Sunday, July 31, 2011

For My Own Use To Follow-Up Later: MRO To Re-Frack 18 Bakken Wells in 2011 -- Bakken, North Dakota, USA

Wells Added To The List Since Original Post
Wells Reported in 2Q11

  • 16811, 77 from the first "failed" frack of just one stage, 100K lbs, December, 2010; (refracked about a year later, the sundry form received December 19, 2011, showed an IP of 1,017 bbls; 20 stages; 2.4 million lbs);  MRO, T Kupper USA 34-11H, Chimney Butte, Bakken, 20 frack stages; 2.4 million lbs; t4/11; cum 109K 5/15 (interesting production profile); looks like it was taken off-line in January, 2015, and then had a tank leak (human error); very small, April, 2015:

Starting With Wells Reported in 1Q11 

  • 19375, IA/308, MRO, Gertrude Tuhy 34-24H, Bailey, Bakken, 14 stages; 2 million lbs; t3/11; cum 38K 10/14; last production of any note 1/14. Update, July 12, 2015: is something going on with this well? After more than a year without any activity, in May, 2015, this well produced 1,636 bbls over 27 days. Then off-line again as of 10/15. [Update, 3/17: I see this well is now AB.]
  • 16764, 473, MRO, Knudsvig 34-7H, Bailey, Bakken, 18 stages; 2.2 million lbs; t12/10; cum 220K 8/16;

  • 19299, 608, MRO, Luther USA 31-16H, Reunion Bay, Bakken, 20 stages; 2.7 million lbs; t3/11; cum 386K 3/17;

  • 19284, 1,130, MRO, Edward Darwin 14-35H, Murphy Creek, Bakken, 20 stages; 3.4 million lbs; t7/11; cum 151K 3/17;

December 18, 2011: went through the list below; looks like six wells have been re-worked/re-fracked

Original Post

Back on October 25, 2009 -- feels like "ages ago" -- I posted:
Energy production in North Dakota can be thought of as a series of three-legged stools:
Energy: oil, natural gas, and coal.
Technology: hz drilling, multi-stage fracking, re-frac.
Formations: Bakken, Three Forks Sanish, Lodgepole.
Brian sent me a nice note today reminding me that that at the 2011 Howard Weil Energy Conference, Marathon Oil (in slide 73 of 95 slides) said they planned to re-frack 18 wells in the Bakken in 2011. 

I don't know what 18 wells MRO selected, but I will put put a few wells on my list to follow-up to see if production has changed six months from now. This is done for my own benefit, so I don't forget.

I have selected about 25 wells, based on information from various sources and for various reasons; again, this is just for my own benefit; I will tag these "follow-up and look at them six months from now, just simply for the fun of it. Don't try to make sense of the list:
  • 16758 - 30 -1559; summer of 2012?
  • 17140 - 30 - 1290; Dec 11:  production at 1,607, but never taken off-line
  • 17693 - 30 - 1368; summer of 2013? re-worked late 2014/early 2015 -- significant jump in May, 2015
  • 17876 - 30 - 1196; Dec 11: no evidence of any refracking; update, November, 2017, it looks like it was re-fracked;
  • 17753 - 30 - 4504; Dec 11; looks like it was re-fracked/re-worked July 11; re-worked/re-fracked summer, 2014
  • 17844 - 28 - 3612; Dec 11; looks like it was re-fracked/re-worked May 11
  • 17817 - 30 - 1733; Dec 11; no evidence of any refracking
  • 17999 - 30 - 1218; Dec 11; no evidence of any refracking
  • 17971 - 31 - 1305; Dec 11; definitely refracked or re-worked
  • 17865 - 30 - 1026; Dec 11: off-line now; being re-worked? -- yes, huge jump, from 1,000 bbls/month to 7,000 bbls/month
  • 17315 -  30 - 1915; Dec 11: no evidence any refracking
  • 18486 - 30 - 1251; Dec 11: no evidence any refracking
  • 17883 - 23 - 1523; Dec 11: no evidence any refracking
  • 17375 -30 - 1983; Dec 11: no evidence any refracking; update, re-fracked, January, 2015;
  • 18681 - 23 - 2182 (previous month: 30 - 760); Dec 11: strange production profile; re-fraced 12/14 according to FracFocus;
  • 17966 - 23 - 1627; Dec 14: probably re-fracked/reworked May/June 14
  • 17712 - 24 - 1226; Dec 11: probably refracked/reworked in June 11
  • 17713 - 30 - 1777; Dec 11: probably refracked/reworked July/Aug 11
  • 16868 - 30 - 1466; Dec 11: no evidence
  • 17171 - 29 - 1677; Dec 11: no evidence; completion -- OH 556,220 lbs sand
  • 16925 - 30 - 1452; Dec 11: no evidence; completion -- OH 561,000 lbs sand
  • 17164 - 30 - 1358; Dec 11: no evidence; completion -- OH 543,900 lbs sand; off-line as of 10/16 (IA)
  • 17216 - 30 - 983; summer of 2012? If so, not a great result; a sundry form in 2011 says MRO planned to re-frac;
  • 17528 - 30 - 1134; Dec 11: no evidence; completion -- OH 552,260 lbs sand
  • 17578 - 30 - 1093; Dec 11: no evidence; off-line as of 9/16 (IA)
  • 17698 - 30 - 1013; Dec 11: no evidence
  • 17049 - 30 - 1648; Dec 14: perhaps some re-working in summer 2014; off-line as of 2/17;
  • 16923 - 30 - 1229; Dec 14: some re-working spring of 2013;

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