Saturday, July 3, 2010


132 active rigs in North Dakota today, a new record. I guess they are moving the deep water, off shore rigs from the gulf up to Lake Sakakawea.


This well has been on my watch list for quite some time. The wait was worth it. Another great Slawson well in the Big Bend: #17864, Jughead 1-126H, 1,255. Slawson acquired this lease from someone else. For other great Slawson wells in the same area, click here.

Miscellaneous Notes from Recent Daily Activity Reports

Some miscellaneous notes from recent daily activity reports (DAR).

New nomenclature:
DAR, 25 Jun 10
#17308, BR
New name
From: Meriwether 44-19H
To: Meriwether 44-19MBH
Comment: BR now telling us which pool they are targeting

New nomenclature:
DAR, 29 Jun 10
#19188, Tracker
Scanlan 17-1TH
Comment: Tracker tells us which pool, also

New name:
DAR, 29 Jun 10
#18808, EOG
Was: Wayzetta 142-03H
Now: Wayzetta 142-3019H
Comment: Planned as a short lateral; it's now a long lateral. It's my understanding companies no longer have to meet the commission to drill 1280-acre spaced units

Another 3-well pad:
DAR, 30 Jun 10
#19203 - 19205, EOG
Scandia 7-34H, 8-34H, 9-34H
SWNW 34-164N-78W
Souris oil field in Bottineau County

Another Eco-Pad:
#19190, Myrtle 3-7H
#19191, McCoy 2-18H
#19192, Myrtle 4-7H
#19193, McCoy 3-18H
Sauk-Northwest McGregor Fields
2 section 7; 2 in section 18
Williams County SWSW 7-159N-95W

IPs and Production From Dual Laterals

Follow this thread. I am curious what the answer might be. If only. My understanding is that each dual lateral on an Eco-Pad gets it's own permit number and its own name. When I follow the permit list, one can see four permits on one pad.