Thursday, April 1, 2021

Notes From All Over -- Evening Edition -- April 1, 2021

Tesla: data points prior to earnings report, link here.

  • Ford: April 1, 2021, today, press release:
    • reported 1Q21 sales
    • sold 6,614 Mustang Mach-E electric crossover vehicles
  • Nio:
    • reported sales of 20,060 units, topping its lowered forecast;
  • Xpeng:
    • reported sales of 13,340;
  • Tesla:
    • analyst projections, RBC Capital Markets Research:
      • 170,000 units    
      • 164,800 Model 3 / Y vehicles
      • 5,300 Model S / X vehicles
      • if so, would represent a 92% increase from one year ago, but,
      • a 6% decline from the previous quarter (4Q20);
      • this estimate is down from a previous view for 182,000 deliveries
    • another analyst, Gene Munster expects Tesla to miss even those lowered estimates
      • sees deliveries around 160,000, but feels the shortfall will be temporary;

High school girls soccer: MaxPreps national rankings are out. Our granddaughter's team jumped 22 points after "moving on" in the Texas championship playoffs, winning their opening game 7 - 2. Olivia is one of three freshmen on the varsity team. These are the latest national rankings, link here:

Finally, Native American Tribes Most Affected By DAPL Weigh In -- April 1, 2021

From The Williston Herald:

Native American tribes have been the driving force behind efforts to shut down the Dakota Access pipeline, but now a Native American tribe has come forward in support of continuing its operation.

Chairman Mark Fox of the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara Nation has sent a letter to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers asking for single-tribe consultation on continuity of operations for the Dakota Access Pipeline.

In the letter, Fox notes that half of the oil produced on the MHA’s reservation is taken to market through Dakota Access.

“We seek immediate consultation on the alternatives being considered by the Corps regarding continuity of operations of the Dakota Access Pipeline or alternative delivery systems while any NEPA-related or other federal review of DAPL is conducted,” Fox wrote.

Something Tells Me The Market Has Room To Run -- Updated -- April 1, 2021

This was posted earlier: 

For Investors

Disclaimer: this is not an investment site.  Do not make any investment, financial, job, career, travel, or relationship decisions based on what you read here or think you may have read here

Major indices, at the close:

  • S&P 500: 4,019.87; 52-week range, 2,456 - 4,021. NEW HIGH?
  • Dow 30: 33,153.21; 52-week range, 20,735 - 33,259.
  • NASDAQ: 13,480.11; 52-week range, 7,288 - 14,175.
  • Russell 2000: 2,253.90; 52-week range, 1,035 - 2,360.


  • CVX: 105.76; 52-week high, 113.
  • COP: 54; 52-week high, 61.
  • XOM: 57.39; 52-week high, 62.55.
  • OKE: 51.35; 52-week high, 51.91.
  • ENB: 36.83; 52-week high, 37.31.
  • EPD: 22.27; 52-week high, 23.71.
  • KMI: 16.84; 52-week high, 17.97.
  • MNRL: 15.71; 52-week high, 17.05

WTI: up 3.87% today; up $2.29; closed at $61.45.


  • Big Oil "beats" NYC appeal on climate change lawsuit. 😀
  • Saudi Aramco's falling profits put vision 2030 in jeopardy. Crocodile tears.
  • XOM to beat previous guidance
Social media:
  • $2 trillion infrastructure bill could rise to $10 trillion if progressives push it through;
  • energy analysts with good track records suggesting we will see $200-oil by end of year (2021);
  • Saudi Arabia looking to raise production: not stated -- seasonal; Saudi Arabia burns oil for a/c;
  • other OPEC+ members want to raise production to cover increased local demand

Now this from Breitbart:

The S&P 500 closed above 4,000 for the first time in history ... stocks are now enjoying the boost from the third round of stimulus spending, a Fed that promises to be supportive for years to come, vaccinations spreading to ever-larger segments of the population, and an economy that is out-performing almost everyone's expectations.

Thursday's ISM Manufacturing Survey was the latest piece of evidence that the economy is firing on all cylinders. The headline number jumped to the best reading since 1983, with strong readings in new orders, production, and employment.

The numbers were so strong that they are feeding into fears that the economy could overheat and produce too much inflation.

In the anecdotal portion of the ISM report, many executives complained about the soaring costs of raw materials—which could be an early warning of inflation to come or a transitory price jump reflecting the economy's lurch from a sudden stop to a tire-screeching relaunch.

There are still danger signs outside of inflation. Economists had forecast that the initial jobless claims number released Thursday would indicate continued improvement in the labor market, with a median estimate of 675,000 claims. Instead, claims moved up to 719,000. And the total number of people claiming unemployment benefits remains staggeringly high at more than 18 million.

Tomorrow's monthly jobs report is expected to show a tidal wave of hiring, with 650,000 workers added to payrolls and unemployment falling to 6 percent. Goldman Sachs is projecting 775,000, and the top of the range of estimates by analysts surveyed by Econoday is one million. Anything topping that upper estimate would be good news for workers but likely would further stoke fears of inflation.

No Comment -- April 1, 2021

From a reader, the reader's comments, not mine:

No Comment -- April 1, 2021


No Comment -- April 1, 2021


Something Tells Me The Market Has Room To Run; Eleven More Oil & Gas NDIC Permits -- April 1, 2021

Status of blog: operating at 54% of operating capacity.

For Investors

Disclaimer: this is not an investment site.  Do not make any investment, financial, job, career, travel, or relationship decisions based on what you read here or think you may have read here

This from Breitbart:

The S&P 500 closed above 4,000 for the first time in history ... stocks are now enjoying the boost from the third round of stimulus spending, a Fed that promises to be supportive for years to come, vaccinations spreading to ever-larger segments of the population, and an economy that is out-performing almost everyone's expectations.

Major indices, at the close:

  • S&P 500: 4,019.87; 52-week range, 2,456 - 4,021. NEW HIGH?
  • Dow 30: 33,153.21; 52-week range, 20,735 - 33,259.
  • NASDAQ: 13,480.11; 52-week range, 7,288 - 14,175.
  • Russell 2000: 2,253.90; 52-week range, 1,035 - 2,360.


  • CVX: 105.76; 52-week high, 113.
  • COP: 54; 52-week high, 61.
  • XOM: 57.39; 52-week high, 62.55.
  • OKE: 51.35; 52-week high, 51.91.
  • ENB: 36.83; 52-week high, 37.31.
  • EPD: 22.27; 52-week high, 23.71.
  • KMI: 16.84; 52-week high, 17.97.
  • MNRL: 15.71; 52-week high, 17.05

WTI: up 3.87% today; up $2.29; closed at $61.45.


  • Big Oil "beats" NYC appeal on climate change lawsuit. 😀
  • Saudi Aramco's falling profits put vision 2030 in jeopardy. Crocodile tears.
  • XOM to beat previous guidance
Social media:
  • $2 trillion infrastructure bill could rise to $10 trillion if progressives push it through;
  • energy analysts with good track records suggesting we will see $200-oil by end of year (2021);
  • Saudi Arabia looking to raise production: not stated -- seasonal; Saudi Arabia burns oil for a/c;
  • other OPEC+ members want to raise production to cover increased local demand

Back to the Bakken

Active rigs:

Active Rigs1343656050

Eleven new permits over the past few days, #38228 - #38238, inclusive:

  • Operators: RimRock, MRO, CLR, Kraken
  • Fields: Heart Butte (Dunn); Bailey, Chimney Butte (Dunn), Sanish;
  • Comments:
    • Rimrock has permits for three more Two Shields Butte wells in SWSW 22-149-92; the wells will be sited 275' NSL and between 386' and 236' FWL;
    • MRO has permits for one Sebastian well; one Frieda well; and, one WR Connolly well, all in NWNE 14-146-94;
    • CLR has permits for two Jensen wells and one Mittlestadt well in NENE 17-146-95; 390' FNL and between 1029' and 1119' FEL;
  • Kraken has permits for one Gayne well and one Jeffery wells, both are Three Forks wells, both in NESE 24-154-93;

Six permits renewed:

  • CLR (4): four Gibb permits in Williams County;
  • XTO: one Johnsrud permit in McKenzie County;
  • True Oil: one Northern State permit in McKenzie County

MRO Reports Another Typical Marathon Bakken Well In Reunion Bay -- April 1, 2021

I'm still here. I replied to a reader's comment:

You can tell I'm getting more frustrated, irritated, snarky, cynical as the week goes on. This has been a horrible week for me with regard to working internet / wi-fi issues with Spectrum. 
The good news: I now have some of the best internet / wi-fi resources and at substantially lower prices. The secret: switched from Spectrum to another carrier. I love Spectrum, have been with them for years, but every ten years or so, I suppose, it's important to see if things in that part of the world has changed. LOL. I will be back to normal next week. But I love my new internet / wi-fi / new provider / and so much less expensive. 

WTI: up 3.7%; up $2.19/bbl. Trading at $61.35.

Back to the Bakken

Active rigs:

Active Rigs1343656050

One well coming off the confidential list -- Thursday, April 1, 2021: 1 for the month, 1 for the quarter, 82 for the year:

  • 37403, A/AL, MRO, Standfest USA 42-8H, Reunion Bay, first production, t--; cum 190K 2/21; the "Standfest pad" wells are tracked here. Even the skeptics / cynics are admitting these are pretty awesome wells.
PoolDateDaysBBLS OilRunsBBLS WaterMCF ProdMCF SoldVent/Flare

RBN Energy: propane inventory build imperiled by pull of exports to Asia. Why am I not worried? Should I be?

Wow, what a ride! That’s what came to mind yesterday as the 2020-21 propane season drew to its official end. But the excitement and uncertainty aren’t over, folks. Not by a long shot. Propane exports are still running sky-high; end-of-season inventories are at the low end, with a whopping 2-MMbbl withdrawal number in EIA’s stats yesterday; and a backwardated forward curve is not doing anything to encourage U.S. marketers and midstreamers to rebuild stocks.  We get it — no one wants to think about next winter yet, just as spring is really springing. But still, you’ve got to wonder, could the dynamics that have been roiling the propane market be setting us up for skinny inventories and price spikes in the 2021-22 propane season? Today, we examine the challenges facing the propane market over the next few months.

Re-posted by the NDIC: it's still wrong --


New Wells Reporting 2Q21

Locator: 10010NEWWELLS2Q21.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021: 77 for the month, 102 for the quarter, 180 for the year:

  • None.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021: 77 for the month, 102 for the quarter, 180 for the year:

  • None.

Monday, June 28, 2021: 77 for the month, 102 for the quarter, 180 for the year:

  • None.

Sunday, June 27, 2021: 77 for the month, 102 for the quarter, 180 for the year:

  • None.

Saturday, June 26, 2021: 77 for the month, 102 for the quarter, 180 for the year:

  • None.

Friday, June 25, 2021: 77 for the month, 102 for the quarter, 180 for the year:

  • None.

Thursday, June 24, 2021: 77 for the month, 102 for the quarter, 180 for the year:

  • None.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021: 77 for the month, 101 for the quarter, 179 for the year:

  • 37482, drl/NC-->drl/A, BR, F Jorgenson 1B MBH, Elidah, t12/22; cum 189K 2/24; cum 239K 12/24;

Tuesday, June 22, 2021: 76 for the month, 100 for the quarter, 178 for the year:

  • None.

Monday, June 21, 2021: 76 for the month, 100 for the quarter, 178 for the year:

  • 37375, drl/NC-->drl/A, CRL, Gale 7-32H, Cedar Coulee, first production, 11/21; t--; cum 190K 6/22; cum 307K 2/24; cum 329K 12/24;
  • 36851, 2,761,  Hess, EN-VP And R-LW-154-94-2536H-1, Alkali Creek, t12/20; cum 129K 4/21; cum 334K 2/24;
  • 35807, drl/NC, Petro-Hunt, Hagen 144-98-12D-1-2H, Little Knife, t--; cum 105K 7/22; cum 165K 2/24; just came back on line;

Sunday, June 20, 2021: 73 for the month, 97 for the quarter, 175 for the year:

  • None.
Saturday, June 19, 2021: 73 for the month, 97 for the quarter, 175 for the year:
  • 37373, drl/NC-->drl/A, CLR, Gale 5-32H, Cedar Coulee, t--; cum 188K 7/22; cum 307K 2/24;
  • 36223, 7,146, MRO, Sherman USA 21-2TFH, Antelope-Sanish, t12/20; cum 239K 4/21; cum 466K 2/24; cum 484K 12/24;
  • 34333, loc/NC, Ovintiv, Kestrel 154-96-33-28-10H, Grinnell, first production, 5/21, t--; cum 178K 7/22; cum 181K 2/24; struggling;

Friday, June 18, 2021: 70 for the month, 94 for the quarter, 172 for the year:

  • 37778, drl/NC-->drl/a, MRO, Norman USA 11-5H, Reunion Bay, t--; cum 284K 7/22; cum 366K 2/24;
  • 34332, loc/NC-->loc/A, Grayson Mill/Ovintiv, Kestrel 154-96-33-28-2H, Grinnell, minimal production; cum 480K 2/24;

Thursday, June 17, 2021: 68 for the month, 92 for the quarter, 170 for the year:

  • 37777, drl/NC-->drl/A, MRO, Bulls Eye USA 41-6TFH, Reunion Bay, t--; cum 326K 7/22; cum 403K 2/24;
  • 36850, 2,379, Hess, EN-VP And R-154-94-2536H-15, Alkali Creek, t12/20; cum 126K 4/21; cum 320K 2/24;

Wednesday, June 16, 2021: 66 for the month, 90 for the quarter, 168 for the year:

  • 37774, drl/NC-->drl/A, MRO, Odell USA 41-6H, Reunion Bay, t--; cum 297K 7/22; cum 368K 2/24;
  • 37396, drl/NC-->drl/A, CLR, Rodney 11-29H1, Cedar Coulee, t--; cum 153K 7/22; cum 272K 2/24;

Tuesday, June 15, 2021: 64 for the month, 88 for the quarter, 166 for the year:

  • 37773, drl/NC--> drl/A, MRO, Perry USA 41-6TFH, Reunion Bay, t--; cum 339K 7/22; cum 419K 2/24;

Monday,  June 14, 2021: 63 for the month, 84 for the quarter, 165 for the year:

  • 37772, drl/NC-->drl/a, MRO, Little Owl USA 31-6TFH, Reunion Bay, first production --; t--; cum 224K 7/22; cum 309K 2/24;
  • 37397, drl/NC, CLR, Rodney 10-29H1, Cedar Coulee, first production --; t--; cum 242K 2/24;

Sunday, June 13, 2021: 61 for the month, 82 for the quarter, 163 for the year:

  • 37771, drl/NC-->drl/A, MRO, Plenty Horns USA 31-6H, Reunion Bay, first production --; t--; cum 244K 7/22; cum 310K 2/24;
  • 37483, drl/NC-->drl/A, BR, F Jorgenson 1A TFH, Elidahe, first production --; t--; cum 170K 2/24;
  • 36934, 720, Oasis, Thelen 5297 43-34 10B, Banks, t1/21; cum 113K 4/21; cum 307K 2/24;

Saturday, June 12, 2021: 58 for the month, 79 for the quarter, 160 for the year:

  • 37770, drl/NC, MRO, Mabel USA 21-6TFH, Reunion Bay, first production --; t--; cum 350K 2/24;
  • 37398, drl/NC, CLR, Rodney 9-29H, Cedar Coulee, first production --; t--; cum 301K 2/24;
  • 36849, 2,591, Hess, EN-VP and R-154-94-2536H-13, Alkali Creek, t12/20; cum123K 4/21; cum 247K 2/24;

Friday, June 11, 2021: 55 for the month, 76 for the quarter, 157 for the year:

  • 37673, drl/NC-->drl/A, MRO, Herman USA 24-31TFH, Reunion Bay, t--; cum 195K 7/22; cum 267K 2/24;

Thursday, June 10, 2021: 54 for the month, 75 for the quarter, 156 for the year:

  • 37674, drl/NC-->drl/A, MRO, Hartson USA 24-31H, Reunion Bay, t--; cum 264K 7/22; cum 341K 2/24;

Wednesday, June 9, 2021: 53 for the month, 74 for the quarter, 155 for the year:

  • 37675, drl/NC-->drl/A, MRO, Etherington USA 34-31TFH, Reunion Bay, t--; cum 174K 7/22; cum 214K 11/23; off line;
  • 37379, drl/NC-->drl/A, , CLR, Rodney 8-29H1, Cedar Coulee, no production data, t--; cum 232K 2/24;
  • 36848, 1,791, Hess, EN-VP and R-154-94-2536H-13, Alkali Creek, t12/20; cum 100K 4/21; cum 320K 2/24;

Tuesday, June 8, 2021: 50 for the month, 71 for the quarter, 152 for the year:

  • 37676, drl/NC-->drl/A, MRO, Copeland USA 34-31H, Reunion Bay, t--; cum 224K 7/22; cum 287K 2/24;
  • 36553, 335, Oasis, Thelen 5297 12-6 8T, Banks, t1/21; cum 81K 4/21; cum 190K 2/24;

Monday, June 7, 2021: 48 for the month, 69 for the quarter, 150 for the year:

  • 37830, drl/NC-->drl/A, WPX, Dakota 1-36HUL, Heart Butte, first production 4/21; t--; cum 31K 4/21; cum 463K 2/24;
  • 37677, drl/NC-->drl/A, MRO, Ortman USA 34-31TFH, Reunion Bay, t--; cum 144K 7/22; cum 193K 2/24;
  • 37378, drl/NC, CLR, Rodney 7-29H, Cedar Coulee, no production data, t--; cum 326K 2/24;
  • 36552, 507, Oasis, Thelen 5297 12-6 7B, Banks, t12/20; cum 111K 4/21; cum 296K 2/24;

Sunday, June 6, 2021: 7 for the month, 70 for the quarter, 151 for the year:

  • 37250, 3,418, MRO, Hoss 41-3TFH, Killdeer, t12/20; cum 144K 4/21; cum 359K 2/24;

Saturday, June 5, 2021: 6 for the month, 69 for the quarter, 150 for the year:

  • 37377 drl/NC-->drl/A, CLR, Rodney 6-29H1, Cedar Coulee, no production data, cum 229K 2/24;
  • 36551, 486, Oasis, Thelen 5297 12-6 6T, Banks, t12/20; cum 78K 4/21; cum 201K 2/24;

Friday, June 4, 2021: 4 for the month, 67 for the quarter, 148 for the year:

  • 36549, 248, Oasis, Thelen 5297 11-6 5T, Banks, t12/20; cum 72K 3/21; cum 170K 2/24;

Thursday, June 3, 2021: 3 for the month, 66 for the quarter, 147 for the year:

  • 37521, drl/NC-->drl/A, WPX, Dakota 1-36HB, Mandaree, first production, 4/21; t--; cum 33K 4/21; cum 311K 2/24;
  • 37376, drl/NC-->drl/A, CLR, Rodney 5-29H, Cedar Coulee, no production data; t--; cum 306K 2/24;

Wednesday, June 2, 2021: 1 for the month, 64 for the quarter, 145 for the year:

  • 37251, 4,438, MRO, McGowan 11-2H, Killdeer, t12/20; cum 163K 4/21; cum 378K 12/23; off limits;

Tuesday, June 1, 2021: 0 for the month, 63 for the quarter, 144 for the year:

  • None.

Monday, May 31, 2021: 38 for the month, 63 for the quarter, 144 for the year:

  • None.

Sunday, May 30, 2021: 38 for the month, 63 for the quarter, 144 for the year:

  • None.
Saturday, May 29, 2021: 38 for the month, 63 for the quarter, 144 for the year:
  • 36994, 2,433, MRO, Hull 41-28TFH, Chimney Butte, t12/20; cum 114K 3/21; cum 251K 2/24;

Friday, May 28, 2021: 37 for the month, 62 for the quarter, 143 for the year:

  • None.

Thursday, May 27, 2021: 37 for the month, 62 for the quarter, 143 for the year:

  • None.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021: 37 for the month, 62 for the quarter, 143 for the year:

  • None.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021: 37 for the month, 62 for the quarter, 143 for the year:

  • None.

Monday, May 24, 2021: 37 for the month, 62 for the quarter, 143 for the year:

  • None.

Sunday, May 23, 2021: 37 for the month, 62 for the quarter, 143 for the year:

Saturday, May 22, 2021: 36 for the month, 61 for the quarter, 142 for the year:
  • 37779, drl/NC-->drl/A, CLR, State Weydahl 12-36H, Corral Creek, no production data, t--; cum 460K 2/24;

Friday, May 21, 2021: 35 for the month, 60 for the quarter, 141 for the year:

  • 37316, 3,082, MRO, Klovstad 34-33H, Bailey, t11/20; cum 89K 3/21; cum 196K 7/22; cum 255K 2/24;
  • 36124, drl/NC-->drl/A, Slawson, Stallion 8-1-12TFH, Big Bend, first production, ; t--; cum 165K 7/22; cum 279K 2/24;

Thursday, May 20, 2021: 33 for the month, 58 for the quarter, 139 for the year:

  • 36125, drl/NC-->drl/A, Slawson, Stallion 3-1-12H, Big Bend, t--; cum 216K 7/22; cum 325K 2/24;

Wednesday, May 19, 2021: 32 for the month, 57 for the quarter, 138 for the year:

  • 37218, drl/NC-->drl/A, Slawson, Zephyr Federal 4-36H, first production, ; t--; cum 138K 7/22; cum 223K 2/24;

Tuesday, May 18, 2021: 31 for the month, 56 for the quarter, 137 for the year:

  • 37541, drl/NC-->drl/A, BR, Don Juan 3C-UTFH, ULW,  Dimmick Lake, first production, t--; cum194K 2/24;
  • 36993, 3,442, MRO, Leiderbach 11-27H, Chimney Butte, t11/20; cum 153K 3/21; cum 354K 2/24;
  • 36126, drl/NC-->drl/A-->IA; Slawson, Stallion 4-1-12TFH, Big Bend, first production, t--; cum 249K 2/24;

Monday, May 17, 2021: 28 for the month, 53 for the quarter, 134 for the year:

  • 36600, 1,400, Hess, EN-Anderson-LE-156-94-1820H-11, Manitou, t11/20; cum 67K 3/21; cum 208K 2/24;

Sunday, May 16, 2021: 27 for the month, 52 for the quarter, 133 for the year:

  • None.

Saturday, May 15, 2021: 27 for the month, 52 for the quarter, 133 for the year:

  • None.

Friday, May 14, 2021: 27 for the month, 52 for the quarter, 133 for the year:

  • 37095, 3,194, MRO, Wiest 24-33H, Bailey, t11/20; cum 98K 3/21; cum 238K 2/24;
  • 36123, drl/NC-->drl/A, Slawson, Stallion 7-1-12H, Big Bend, no production data, t--; cum 330K 2/24;

Thursday, May 13, 2021: 25 for the month, 50 for the quarter, 131 for the year:

  • 16059, 729, Petro-Hunt, USA 2D-3-1H, Charlson, t10/06, re-entered, lengthened, 2020, first production after coming back on line, 6K over 14 days, 11/20; cum 1.782585 million bbls 11/20; off line as of 1/21; remains off line 3/21; back on line 4/21; cum 2,001,003 bbls 2/24;
  • 36122, drl/NC-->drl/A, Slawson, Stallion 5-1-12TFH, Big Bend, no production data, t--; cum 282K 2/24;

Wednesday, May 12, 2021: 23 for the month, 48 for the quarter, 129 for the year:

  • 36604, 2,567, Hess, EN-Anderson-LE-156-94-1820H-7, Manitou, t11/20; cum 78K 3/21; EN-Anderson wells are tracked here; cum 236K 2/24;
  • 36121, drl/NC-->drl/A, Slawson, Zephyr Federal 3-6H, Big Bend, no production data, t--; cum 211K 2/24;

Tuesday, May 11, 2021: 21 for the month, 46 for the quarter, 127 for the year:

  • 37634, drl/NC-->drl/A, BR, Cherry Pie 1R TFH ULW, Haystack Butte, no production data, t--; cum 342K 2/24;
  • 37540, drl/NC, BR, Faye 3B MBH, Elidah, no production data,
  • 36603, 3,416, Hess, EN-Anderson-LE-156-94-1820H-11, Manitou, t11/20; cum 126K 3/21;

Monday, May 10, 2021: 18 for the month, 43 for the quarter, 124 for the year:

  • 37633, drl/NC, BR, Cherry Blossom 1S MBH, Haystack Butte, no production data,
  • 36920, F/A, MRO, Adonijah USA 44-5TFH-2B, Reunion Bay, first production, 11/20; t--; cum 239K 3/21; is anyone paying attention?

Sunday, May 9, 2021: 16 for the month, 41 for the quarter, 122 for the year:

  • 37632, drl/NC-->drl/A, BR, Cherry Juice 1T TFH, Haystack Butte, t2/22; cum 418K 24;

Saturday, May 8, 2021: 15 for the month, 40 for the quarter, 121 for the year:

  • 37631, drl/NC-->drl/A, BR, Cherry Danish 1U MBH, Haystack Butte, first production, 2/22; t--; cum 64K 6/22;
  • 37093, AL/A, MRO, Ruggles 14-33H, Bailey, first production, 11/20; t--; cum 98K 3/21; cum 213K 6/22;
  • 36810, F/A, Zavanna, Blue Heeler 20-17 1TFH, Stony Creek, first production, 11/20; t--; cum 98K 3/20; com 199K 6/22;

Friday, May 7, 2021: 12 for the month, 37 for the quarter, 118 for the year:

  • 37062, F/A, Hess, EN-Labar-154-94-1003H-5, Alkali Creek, first production, 11/20; t--; cum 138K 3/20; cum 376K 12/24;

Thursday, May 6, 2021: 11 for the month, 36 for the quarter, 117 for the year:

  • 37831, drl/NC-->drl/A, WPX, Dakota 1-36HW, Mandaree, first production, 4/21; t--; cum 309K 6/22; cum 464K 12/24;
  • 36602, F/A, Hess, EN-Anderson-LE-156-94-1820H-9, Manitou, first production, 11/20; t--; cum 77K 3/21; cum 238K 12/24;

Wednesday, May 5, 2021: 9 for the month, 34 for the quarter, 115 for the year:

  • 37832, drl/NC-->drl/A, WPX, Dakota 1-36HY, Mandaree, first production, 4/21; t--; cum 275K 3/22; cum 301K 6/22;
  • 36601, F/A, Hess, EN-Anderson-LE-156-94-1820H-10, Manitou, first production, 11/20; t--; cum 102K 3/21; cum 241K 6/22;

Tuesday, May 4, 2021: 7 for the month, 32 for the quarter, 113 for the year:

  • ****36919, F/A, MRO, Klemstead USA 44-5TFH, Reunion Bay, first production, 11/20; t--; cum 146K 3/21; cum 306K 6/22; cum 375K 12/24;
  • 36605, F/A, Hess, EN-Anderson-LE-156-94-1820H-6, Manitou, first production, 11/20; t--; cum 135K 3/21; cum 271K 6/22;

Monday, May 3, 2021: 5 for the month, 30 for the quarter, 111 for the year:

  • 37539, drl/drl-->drl/NC, BR, Faye 3A-UTFH, Elidah, no production data;
  • 36921, AL/A-->4,453, MRO, Vickall USA 34-5H, Reunion Bay, first production, 11/20; t11/20; cum 164K 2/21; 261K 3/22;

Sunday, May 2, 2021: 3 for the month, 28 for the quarter, 109 for the year:

  • 36606, F/A-->2,587, Hess, EN-Anderson-LE-156-94-1820H-5, Manitou, first production, 11/20; t11/20; cum 87K 2/21; cum 201K 3/22;
Saturday, May 1, 2021: 2 for the month, 27 for the quarter, 108 for the year:
  • 37150, drl/A-->807, Petro-Hunt, USA 153-95-2B-11 1H, Charlson, t4/21; cum 310K 3/22;
  • 36543, F/A-->0, Zavanna, Blue Heeler 20-16 3TFH, Stony Creek, first production, 12/20; 9/20; cum 55K 2/21; cum 137K 3/22;

Friday, April 30, 2021: 25 for the month, 25 for the quarter, 106 for the year:

  • 37151, drl/A-->437, Petro-Hunt, USA 153-95-2A-11-2H, Charlson, first production, t4/21; cum 187K 3/22;
Thursday, April 29, 2021: 24 for the month, 24 for the quarter, 105 for the year:
  • 37152, drl/A-->1,059, Petro-Hunt, USA 153-95-2A-11-3H, Charlson, t3/21; cum 346K 3/22;

Wednesday, April 28, 2021: 23 for the month, 23 for the quarter, 104 for the year:

  • None.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021: 23 for the month, 23 for the quarter, 104 for the year:

  • 36918, F/A-->4,547, MRO, Kolbo USA 34-5H, 33-061-04590, Reunion Bay, first production 10/20; t10/20; cum 219K 2/21; see this note for more data; cum 386K 3/22;

Monday, April 26, 2021: 22 for the month, 22 for the quarter, 103 for the year:

  • 36923, AL/A-->4,806, MRO, Thorson USA 41-8H, Reunion Bay, first production, 10/20; t10/20; cum 187K 2/21; cum 322K 3/22;

Sunday, April 25, 2021: 21 for the month, 21 for the quarter, 102 for the year:

  • 37515, F/A-->5,556, MRO, Pelarske USA 44-5TFH-2B, Reunion Bay, first production, 10/20; t10/2-; cum 160K 2/21; cum 341K 3/22;

Saturday, April 24, 2021: 20 for the month, 20 for the quarter, 101 for the year:

  • None.

Friday, April 23, 2021: 20 for the month, 20 for the quarter, 101 for the year:

  • 35801, F/A-->1,588, Enerplus, Hail 149-93-07A-12H, Mandaree, first production, 10/20; t10/20; cum 111K in less than four months; cum 111K 2/21; cum 232K 3/22;

Thursday, April 22, 2021: 19 for the month, 19 for the quarter, 100 for the year:

  • 35800, F/A-->930, Enerplus, Frost 149-93-07A-12H-TF-LL, Mandaree, first production, 11/20; t10/20; cum 109K 2/21; cum 233K 3/22;

Wednesday, April 21, 2021: 18 for the month, 18 for the quarter, 99 for the year:

  • None.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021: 18 for the month, 18 for the quarter, 99 for the year:

  • None.

Monday, April 19, 2021: 18 for the month, 18 for the quarter, 99 for the year:

  • 35803, F/A-->1,499, Enerplus, Blizzard 149-93-07A-12H-TF, Mandaree, first production, 10/20; t10/20; cum 116K 2/21; cum 287K 3/22;

Sunday, April 18, 2021: 17 for the month, 17 for the quarter, 98 for the year:

  • 37716, drl/NC,  CLR, Carson Peak 12-35H1, Oakdale, first production, 5/21; t--; cum 232K 3/22;
Saturday, April 17, 2021: 16 for the month, 16 for the quarter, 97 for the year:
  • 37794, drl/NC-->drl/A,  CLR, Carson Peak 13-35H, Oakdale, first production, 5/21; t--; cum 266K 3/22;
  • 36922, AL/A-->5,099,  MRO, Lang USA 41-8TFH, Reunion Bay, first production, 10/20; t10/20; cum 206K 2/21, see this post; cum 331K 3/22;

Friday, April 16, 2021: 14 for the month, 14 for the quarter, 95 for the year:

  • 37795, drl/NC-->drl/A, CLR, Carson Peak 14-35HSL1, Corral Creek, first production, 6/21; t--; cum 228K 3/22;
  • 37230, drl/NC-->drl/A, WPX, Patricia Kelly 2-1HS, Spotted Horn, first production, 5/21; t--; cum 296K 3/22;

Thursday, April 15, 2021: 12 for the month, 12 for the quarter, 93 for the year:

  • 37231, drl/NC-->drl/A, WPX, Patricia Kelly 2-1HX, Spotted Horn, first production, 5/21; t--; cum 294K 3/22;
  • 36248, drl/NC-->drl/A, BR, Stortroen 2D MBH, Dimmick Lake, t--; cum 167K 1/25;
  • 35802, drl/NC,-->conf-->F/A-->834, Enerplus, Sleet 149-93-07A-12H, 33-025-03632, Mandaree, first production, 10/20; 13K; fracked 10/3/20 - 10/14/20; 8 million gallons of water; 84.5% water by mass; first productoion, 10/20; at 13,569 bbls over 8 days, extrapolates to 51K bbls crude oil; t10/20; cum 138K 2/21; the Enerplus "Precipitation" pad is tracked here; cum 253K 3/22;

Wednesday, April 14, 2021: 10 for the month, 10 for the quarter, 91 for the year:

  • 37232, drl/NC-->drl/A, WPX, Patricia Kelly 2-1HA, Spotted Horn, first production, 5/21; t--; cum 294K 3/22; cum 427K 12/24;

Tuesday, April 13, 20211: 9 for the month, 9 for the quarter, 90 for the year:

  • 37324, drl/NC-->drl/A, WPX, Patricia Kelly 2-1HUL, Antelope, first production, 5/21; t--; cum 231K 3/22;

Monday, April 12, 2021: 8 for the month, 8 for the quarter, 89 for the year:

  • None.

Sunday, April 11, 2021: 8 for the month, 8 for the quarter, 89 for the year:

  • 37833, conf, Midwest AgEnergy Group, LLC, MAG 1, wildcat, lot 1 section 18-145-82; target: Precambrian; not likely to produce; CO2 storage;
Saturday, April 10, 2021: 7 for the month, 7 for the quarter, 88 for the year:
  • None.

Friday, April 9, 2021: 7 for the month, 7 for the quarter, 88 for the year:

  • 37323, AL/A, MRO, Oscar Thorson USA 41-8TFH-2B, Reunion Bay, first production 10/20; first 18 days, 49,870 bbls crude oil; t--; cum 185K 2/21; cum 328K 3/22;

Thursday, April 8, 2021: 6 for the month, 6 for the quarter, 87 for the year:

  • None.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021: 6 for the month, 6 for the quarter, 87 for the year:

  • 37858, drl/drl-->drl/TAO, Red Trail Energy LLC, RTE 10.2, wildcat, formation target: AMSDEN; SWNW 10-139-92; see graphics below. Note: Amsden, Tyler, Heath -- perhaps not for purists, and not to be taken out of context -- these three formations are pretty much different names for the same general formation. See this post.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021: 5 for the month, 5 for the quarter, 86 for the year:

  • 37818, drl/NC-->drl/A, CLR, Dallas 4-30H, Truax, first production, 6;21, t--; cum 298K 3/22;

Monday, April 5, 2021: 4 for the month, 4 for the quarter, 85 for the year:

  • None.

Sunday, April 4, 2021: 4 for the month, 4 for the quarter, 85 for the year:

  • 37591, drl/NC-->drl/A, Slawson, Loon Federal 2-24-25H, Big Bend, first production, 10/21; t--; cum 127K 3/22;

Saturday, April 3, 2021: 3 for the month, 3 for the quarter, 84 for the year:

  • 37592, drl/NC-->drl/A, Slawson, Loon Federal 5-24-25TFH, Big Bend, first production, 10/21; t--; cum 138K 3/22
  • 36247, drl/NC, BR, Stortroen 2C TFH, Dimmick Lake, no production data,

Friday, April 2, 2021: 1 for the month, 1 for the quarter, 82 for the year:

  • None.

Thursday, April 1, 2021: 1 for the month, 1 for the quarter, 82 for the year:

  • 37403, 5,266, MRO, Standfest USA 42-8H, Reunion Bay, t10/20; cum 384K 3/22;

Data for 2Q21: This Page
Data for 1Q21:  1Q21
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Data for 3Q20: 3Q20
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Data for 4Q19: 4Q19
Data for 3Q19:  3Q19
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Data for 2Q18: 2Q18
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Data for 4Q12: 4Q12
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Data for 4Q11: 4Q11 
Data for 3Q11: 3Q11 
Data for 2Q11: 2Q11 
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 Data for 2H10: 2H10 
Through 1H10: 1H10