Sunday, November 20, 2022

Closing Out Sunday Night -- November 20, 2022

ISO NE, link here:

  • demand: only 16,000 MW
  • price: $360 / MW -- with solar / wind free; ISO NE electricity should be $36 / MW


  • earlier today, the race for the nation's eighth LNG export terminal;
  • now this, US will triple LNG exports by 2033
  • the US is already the world's largest LNG exporter -- hitting that milestone earlier this year;

The old man, link here:

 Agree 1,000%, witnessing a revolution:

Buybacks, link here:

  • buybacks work for the investor in a few companies, but in general, investors will do better with dividends than with buybacks (ask Warren Buffett);

Extinction, link here:

The Book Page

Sherloock Holmes.

Link here.

I'm thinking this is a book I need to introduce to Sophia. 

Word for the Day: Irony

How "irony" got its second meaning. Link here

The second meaning of irony is less than a couple of centuries old. And it was invented by one guy: an English bishop and classical scholar named Connop Thirlwell, which seems like a typo but isn’t. His 1833 essay “On the Irony of Sophocles” begins with a discussion of the traditional meanings of the term, then pivots to the notion of “practical irony.”

Previously Posted 

I wrote the following some years ago after reading Harold Bloom's The Book of J. Harold Bloom introduces a fourth "definition" or example / type of irony.

First type of irony: Socratic irony. Irony as first used by Socrates. "A feigned ignorance and humility designed to expose the inadequate assumptions of others, by way of skilled dialectical questioning."

Second type of irony: common irony. "Use of language to express something other than supposedly literal meaning, particularly the opposite of such meaning, and also the contrast or gap between expectation and fulfillment."

Third type of irony, how J used irony: dramatic irony or tragic irony. "The incongruity between what develops on adjacent words and actions that are more fully apprehended by the audience or readers than by the characters." J was a master of such irony. I wonder if playwrights like Neil Simon or Oscar Wilde aren't good examples?

Fourth type of irony, invented by J: her irony was "the representation of what happens when altogether incommensurate realities juxtapose and clash." For example, a god wrestling with a human is J's type of irony (gross incommensurate beings, god vs mortal). How can Abram haggle with Yahweh? How can Jacob wrestle with a nameless one among the Elohim (angels)? How can we be persuaded that a masculine rough hunter like Esau would give away his birthright for a bowl of soup? I would think there are many, many examples of this type of irony in the Odyssey.

An aside: In the movie, “Once Upon a Time in Mexico,” the events between Johnny Depp and an unnamed boy may be examples of both the third and the fourth types of irony.  As an example of the third definition of irony: when Johnny Depp said he didn’t want to see the boy again. Later in the movie when they cross paths, Depp has been blinded and cannot see the boy.  The same event can represent the fourth definition of irony:  an unnamed, untrained boy saves the life of a trained killer.]

Of the four "types" of irony, Harold Bloom says J created her own form, the fourth form.

The Movie Page

Kiss Me Deadly.


I watched a "trilogy" of sorts today of three (of course) films noir (or is it film noirs?) on TCM today. Absolutely outstanding. One of the three:

Kiss Me Deadly grossed $726,000 in the United States and $226,000 overseas
The film received the condemnation of the Kefauver Commission, which accused it of being "designed to ruin young viewers," a verdict that director Aldrich protested.
Despite initial critical disapproval, it is considered one of the most important and influential film noirs of all time.
The film has been noted as a stylistic precursor to the French New Wave, and has been cited as a major influence on a number of filmmakers, including François Truffaut, Jean-Luc Godard, Alex Cox, and Quentin Tarantino. [I'm currently reading Quentin's newest book, just released a few days ago, Cinema Speculation.]
In 1999, Kiss Me Deadly was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant."

The Sports Page

There was so much great football this weekend -- NFL and college -- but the best may have been Sunday night's Kansas City Chiefs against the Chargers in Los Angeles.

Thanksgiving this week, three games:

  • Lions vs Bills
  • Cowboys vs Giants
  • Vikings vs Patriots: this Thursday night game will be aired by NBC and not Amazon.

Stadium prices:

Gold Reserves By Country; Italy's GDP -- November 20, 2022

All of a sudden "gold" was in the news this week.

Gold reserves by country.

India's gold reserves in tonnes.

On another note, Italy's GDP:

Covid Wrap For The Week -- November 20, 2022

Have we already peaked?

Two articles from Science:

Alpha, Beta, Delta, Omicron, BA.5—with each new SARS-CoV-2 variant or subvariant, the coronavirus seems to hone its ability to infect and spread between people. Although vaccines, drugs, and immunity from prior infections are allowing more and more people to dodge severe cases of COVID-19, the coronavirus has already killed more than 6 million people, according to the World Health Organization, and the true toll may exceed 18 million. Some virologists worry COVID-19 is here to stay, with SARS-CoV-2 potentially sickening people once or more a year as adenoviruses and other coronaviruses that cause the common cold do

One key to the virus’ success is its ability to neutralize the body’s immune response, thanks to its arsenal of proteins. Over the past 3 years, investigators have begun to explore those viral countermeasures. They’ve shown that many of SARS-CoV-2’s molecules manage to shield the virus—at least temporarily—from host immunity, allowing the invader to replicate and spread to more people.
Underpinning SARS-CoV-2’s counterattack is the versatile suite of proteins that it coerces infected cells to manufacture from its RNA code. Researchers still disagree about how many proteins the virus’ cellular victims make—estimates range from 26 to more than 30—but SARS-CoV-2 deploys more weapons than most other RNA viruses. The Ebola virus, for example, makes do with only seven proteins.

The acrimonious debate over the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic flared up again this week with a report from an expert panel concluding that SARS-CoV-2 likely spread naturally in a zoonotic jump from an animal to humans—without help from a lab.

“Our paper recognizes that there are different possible origins, but the evidence towards zoonosis is overwhelming,” says coauthor Danielle Anderson, a virologist at the University of Melbourne. The report, which includes an analysis that found the peer-reviewed literature overwhelmingly supports the zoonotic hypotheses, appeared in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on 10 October 2022.

Why Should She Be Sad? It's An Open-Book Test For Investors -- November 20, 2022

By the way, this is where folks are really hurt by having a poor general education, particularly in math. Folks will look (briefly) at the graph below and note only the "curve" or the solid dark line. Much more important is the "calculus" -- it's the "area under the curve" that should catch your attention.

The "area under the curve." Calculus. Start here.

Link here.

My reply: 

Get a grip. For an investor, it's an open-book test: Mastercard, Visa, and Discover. Not only lots of credit card activity but lots of late payments and interest rates rising. They're gonna make out like bandits.

And, oh, by the way, savings rates are at 10-year lows, not all time lows. Went much lower in the mid 2000s.

The area under the curve:

This, without a doubt, the largest ever in the history of mankind.

My favorite chart which correlates exactly with the chart above.

Link here:

Disclaimer: this is not an investment site.  Do not make any investment, financial, job, career, travel, or relationship decisions based on what you read here or think you may have read here.

All my posts are done quickly: there will be content and typographical errors. If anything on any of my posts is important to you, go to the source. If/when I find typographical / content errors, I will correct them.  

Absolutely Hilarious -- The "Security Concerns" -- LOL -- And This Is A Professional News Organization -- One Of The "Big Three" -- November 20, 2022

Just now, link here, the "security concerns, LOL:

Without question, Elon Musk knew what he was doing. Can't wait to see his firs quarterly earnings statement.

From yesterday, less than 24 hours ago:

Link here.

Not only is the original tweet misleading, CBS will not only remain on Twitter, it will pay the corporate fee for "blue check" verification or it will cede its message on the #1 social media site to the opposition.

From my perspective, CBS provides no "value added" to twitter. I've never seen a CBS tweet.

And as far as "value added" goes, Elon Musk knows that also.

MRO's "Veronica USA" Pad

Locator: 13001VERONICA.

The wells:

  • 19144, 952, MRO, TT USA 34-22H, t3/11; cum 523K 4/24;
  • 32888, 6,278, MRO, Forsman USA 44-22H, Antelope-Sanish, t12/17; cum 755K 4/24;
  • 32889, 3,707, MRO, Lockwood USA 44-22TFH, Antelope-Sanish, t12/17; cum 515K 4/24;
  • 32890, 4,524, MRO, Murphy USA 34-22TFH-2B, Antelope-Sanish, t12/17; cum 421K 4/24;
  • 32891, 4,093, MRO, Begola USA 34-22H, Antelope-Sanish, t12/17; cum 421K 4/24;
  • 33290, 4,204, MRO, Lena USA 14-22H, Antelope-Sanish, t12/17; cum 442K 9/22; just came back on line; cum 465K 4/23; cum 502K 4/24;
  • 30135, 4,881, MRO, Deane USA 24-22H, Antelope-Sanish, t12/17; cum 331K 10/19; cum 404K 9/22; see production data below; cum 418K 4/23; cum 425K 4/24;
  • 30134, IA/3,503, MRO, Rough Coulee USA 24-22TFH, Antelope-Sanish, t1/18; cum 233K 11/18; cum 336K 6/22; offline; cum 344K 4/23; cum 362K 4/24;
  • 30133, 4,855, MRO, Veronica USA 14-22TFH/TAT USA 14-22H, Antelope-Sanish, t12/17; cum 234K 11/18; cum 365K 9/22; cum 376K 4/23; cum 395K 4/24;
  • 30132, PNC, MRO, Blue Butte USA 14-22TFH-2B, Antelope-Sanish,
  • 30131, 2.420, MRO, Blue Creek USA 24-22TFH-2B, Antelope-Sanish, t1/18; cum 144K 11/18; cum 232K 9/22; cum 242K 4/23; cum 260K 4/24;
  • 30488, 4,144, MRO, TAT USA 14-22H, Antelope-Sanish, t12/17; cum 384K 9/22; cum 390K 4/23; cum 405K 4/24;

Initial production data for #30135:


Initial Production For Four More Enerplus Antelope Wells Posted -- November 20, 2022

Locator: 10010WAFFLEHOUSE.

Earlier today, I posted two new monster Enerplus wells in Antelope oil field. These wells are tracked here

The folks over at Twitter following Canadian E&P companies suggest that Enerplus is one of the best, if not the best when it comes to free cash flow. With rare exception, I don't follow Canadian oil companies. Enerplus is an exception only because of its major presence in the Bakken.

The parent wells:

  • 31945, AL/A, ERF, Fire 151-94-16DH, Antelope-Sanish, t2/17; cum 315K 12/24;
  • 31944, AL/A, ERF, Water 151-94-15DH-TF, Antelope-Sanish, t2/17; cum 338K 12/24;

These may not have been posted yet:

  • 37966, loc/A, ERF, Bacon 151-94-16B-21H, Antelope, cum 422K 12/24;
  • 37965, loc/A, ERF, Ham 151-94-16B-21H, Antelope, cum 377K 12/24;
  • 37964, loc/A, ERF,  Omelet 151-94-16B-21H, Antelope; cum 377K 12/24;
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  •  37963, loc/A, ERF,  Pancake 151-94-16B-21H, Antelope; cum 337K 12/24;
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 37962, loc/A, ERF,  Sausage 151-94-16B-21H, Antelope,cum 391K 12/24;
DateOil RunsMCF Sold

  •  37961, loc/A, ERF, Waffle 151-94-16A-21H, Antelope; cum 431K 12/24;
DateOil RunsMCF Sold

These would be considered "daughter" wells preceded by parent, or earlier, wells. Readers and "experts" have told me that "daughter" wells would not be as good as parent wells.

Supply Chains Opening Up? November 20, 2022

Link here.

From the Kansas City Fed Six-Month Survey Supplier Delivery Time -- be sure to blow up the chart and look at the y-axis on the right.

Delivery times have dropped into "negative" territory.

The Movie Page 

Kiss Me Deadly, a 1955 film noir. 

Happened to catch it before watching Sunday NFL, the Sunday film noir movies on TCM.

Now I can't turn it off.

Introduces Cloris Leachman.

I wouldn't have recognized her face but her voice was unmistakable. 

Wow. 1955. Cloris Leachman.

Jim Rogers -- Silver -- Again -- And, Maybe Agriculture -- November 20, 2022

Link here.

Nvidia -- Update -- November 20, 2022


Chips, semiconductor: link here.

Nvidia: link here

Disclaimer: this is not an investment site.  Do not make any investment, financial, job, career, travel, or relationship decisions based on what you read here or think you may have read here.

All my posts are done quickly: there will be content and typographical errors. If anything on any of my posts is important to you, go to the source. If/when I find typographical / content errors, I will correct them.

US LNG Export Terminals -- An Update On The Race -- Golden Pass, Plaquemines, Cheniere Expansion -- November 20, 2022


December 15, 2024: Plaquemines up and running. Link here. 

December 19, 2022: update. 

Original Post 

Link here. Right now, this article is not behind a paywall at this link. The story is behind a paywall at Bloomberg

A must-read article for those interested in US LNG exports.

US LNG export terminals are tracked here.

The "list" tag.


The article is too long to summarize on NFL Sunday, but this is what will be covered in depth at the linked article at the top.

While the US filled some of the supply gap by exporting huge quantities of liquefied natural gas from its seven plants, global markets are going to have to wait at least two more years before any new LNG supplies from the US come online. Three large-scale projects requiring more than $30 billion of financing are now under construction in Texas and Louisiana, yet none will be ready next year.

Two of the projects, Golden Pass LNG near Port Arthur, Texas, and the first phase of Plaquemines LNG, along the Mississippi River about 25 miles south of New Orleans, are expected to begin production in 2024, setting up a race to see which will be the eighth US export terminalThe third project, by Cheniere Energy, the US’s largest LNG exporter, will expand an existing plant in Corpus Christi and won’t begin production until late 2025.

Natural gas traders, government officials and industry observers will spend the next few years watching the projects for any signs of delay or movements ahead of schedule.

Golden Pass is a joint venture between industry titans Qatar Energy and Exxon Mobil. It began construction in May 2019.

Plaquemines, a project by the closely held Virginia-based developer, Venture Global LNG
, quietly started construction in August 2021. Venture Global pulled off a near-miracle in January 2022 when it began production at its first LNG plant, Calcasieu Pass in Cameron, Louisiana, in a record 29 months after securing financing. Many wonder if it can repeat or beat that success with Plaquemines.

I still remember, vividly, the day I first wrote about all these US LNG export terminals that were planned -- that might have been ten years ago -- and getting a note from a reader who suggested it was all "pie in the sky," wouldn't happen. 

That reader never anticipated the European energy crisis -- another story that was "predicted" on the blog back in 2013 and did not anticipate the amount of natural gas that would be produced by the Bakken revolution. Amazing how things turned out. 

By the way, both the EU and Saudi Arabia saw this coming even if a lot of Americans did not.

Just A Matter Of Time -- This Ends Badly -- Self-Inflicted -- November 20, 2022

Link here.

I wonder what that "century-old" law is?

China Has No Effective Vaccine -- November 20, 2022

First thought was from an investor's point of view.  

From nature, a first-rate, highly respected magazine. This was back from June, 2022, a few months ago. Not sure how much farther along China is.

Link here.

From the linked nature article: 

China is getting closer to approving its first mRNA vaccine to protect people against COVID-19. In a small clinical trial, the Chinese vaccine candidate triggered a stronger antibody response in vaccinated adults when given as a booster shot than did a jab containing inactivated SARS-CoV-2, the vaccine platform that the country has mostly relied on so far.

The experimental jab, called ArCoV, is a strong candidate to become China’s first approved mRNA vaccine. But ....

So far, the Chinese drug regulator has approved seven COVID-19 vaccines. Most residents of China are vaccinated with one of two inactivated-virus vaccines, either CoronaVac, made by Beijing-based company Sinovac, or BBIBP-CorV, made by the state-supported company Sinopharm in Beijing. The inactivated-virus vaccines are effective at reducing the risk of hospitalization and death1, but provide less protection than do the two mRNA vaccines developed by Pfizer–BioNTech and Moderna, which have been used widely outside China.
“From data of all the COVID-19 vaccines available in the world, the mRNA technology seems to be better compared to other technologies,” says Feng Gao, a virologist at Jinan University in Guangzhou, China.

Chinese companies had planned to import the mRNA vaccine made by BioNTech and Pfizer.
As early as March 2020, a Shanghai-based drug company, Fosun Pharma, struck a deal with BioNTech to sell its vaccine on the Chinese mainland and in Hong Kong once the regulators greenlit the product.
But the approval of the highly effective vaccine is still pending on the mainland, despite data from a phase II trial in China showing that the vaccine triggers a robust immune response and is safe to use in adults.

I do not know of any new data but I'm sure there's plenty of information out there. 

For investing, not trading, my "new money allocation" remains:

  • Buffett, blue chip, 40%
  • tech infrastructure (mostly chips), 30%
  • energy (mostly oil), 20%
  • mRNA, 10%

I have a 30-year horizon. 

Disclaimer: this is not an investment site.  Do not make any investment, financial, job, career, travel, or relationship decisions based on what you read here or think you may have read here.

All my posts are done quickly: there will be content and typographical errors. If anything on any of my posts is important to you, go to the source. If/when I find typographical / content errors, I will correct them.

Two Enerplus Wells Coming Off The Confidential List This Next Week -- November 20, 2022

These wells are tracked here.

The Antelope oil field is tracked here

Reminder: the Antelope oil field may simply be the best field in the Bakken.

Two Enerplus wells coming off the confidential list this next week:

  • 37965, conf, Enerplus, Ham 151-94-16B-21H, Antelope,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 37966, conf, Enerplus, Bacon 151-94-16B-21H, Antelope,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold

Initial Production Data For Wells Coming Off The Confidential List This Next Week -- November 20, 2022

The wells:

  • 38844, conf, Slawson, Vixen Federal 7-19-30TFH, Big Bend, no production data,
  • 38819, conf, CLR, Bonneville 7-26HSL, Jim Creek, no production data,
  • 38728, conf, Kraken, Raymond 16-21 2H, Oliver, no production data,
  • 38173, conf, CLR, LCU Foster FIIU 10-28H1, Long Creek, no production data,
  • 37965, conf, Enerplus, Ham 151-94-16B-21H, Antelope,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 37945, conf, CLR, Brangus FUI 14-11H2, Elm Tree, no production data,
  • 38921, conf, CLR, Medicine Hole 3-27HSL, Jim Creek, no production data, 
  • 38843, conf, Slawson, PhatKat Federal 7-18-7TFH, Big Bend, no production data,
  • 37947, conf, CLR, Brangus FIU 12-11H1, Elm Tree, no production data, 
  • 37946, conf, CLR, Brangus FIU 13-11H, Elm Tree, no production data, 
  • 38920, conf, CLR, Medicine Hole 4-27H1, Jim Creek, no production data, 
  • 38861, conf, Petro-Hunt, Setterlund 159-94-34C-27-3H, East Tioga, no production data, 
  • 38842, conf, Slawson, PhatKat Federal 6-18-7TFH, Big Bend, no production data,
  • 38729, conf, Kraken, Raymond LW 16-21 12H, Oliver, no production data, 
  • 38172, conf, CLR, LCU Foster Federal 9-28H, Long Creek, no production data,
  • 37948, conf, CLR, Brangus FIU 11-11H, Elm Tree, no production data, 
  • 38919, conf, CLR, Medicine Hole 5-27H, Jim Creek, no production data,
  • 38860, conf, Petro-Hunt, Setterlund 159-94-34D-27-3H, East Tioga, no production data, 
  • 38730, conf, Kraken, Fairbanks 17-20 6H, Oliver, no production data, 
  • 38171, conf, CLR, LCU Foster Federal 8-28H1, Long Creek, no production data, 
  • 37949, conf, CLR, Brangus FIU 10-11H, Elm Tree, no production data,
  • 38859, conf, Petro-Hunt, Setterland 159-94-34C-27-2H, East Tioga, no production data, 
  • 38779, conf, CLR, Medicine Hole 6-27H, Jim Creek, no production data, 
  • 38775, conf, Hunt, Palermo 156-90-6-34H 3, Ross, no production data, 
  • 37951, conf, CLR, Brangus Federal 8-11H, Elm Tree, no production data, 
  • 37950, conf, CLR, Brangus Federal 9-11H1, Elm Tree, no production data, 
  • 38785, conf, CLR, Medicine Hole 7-27H1, Jim Creek, no production data, 
  • 38777, conf, Hunt, Palermo 156-90-5-34H 4, Ross,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 37966, conf, Enerplus, Bacon 151-94-16B-21H, Antelope,
DateOil RunsMCF Sold
  • 37952, conf, CLR, Brangus Federal 7-11H2, Elm Tree, no production data,
  • 38890, conf, Neset Consulting Service, Halite 1, wildcat, no further information;
  • 37953, conf, CLR, Brangus Federal 6-11H, Elm Tree, no production data, 
  • 38786, conf, CLR, Medicine Hole 8-27H, Jim Creek, no production data, 
  • 37954, conf, CLR, Brangus Federal 5-11H1, Jim Creek, no production data, 
  • 38787, conf, CLR, Medicine Hole 9-27H1, Jim Creek, no production data, 
  • 37955, conf, CLR, Brangus FIU 4-11H, Elm Tree, no production data, 
  • 38803, conf, Hunt, King 156-90-5-34H 4, Ross, no production data, 
  • 37956, conf, CLR, Brangus FIU 3-11H2, Elm Tree, no production data,
  • 38788, conf, CLR, Medicine Hole 10-27H, Jim Creek, no production data, 
  • 37957, conf, CLR, Brangus FIU 2-11H, Elm Tree, no production data, 
  • 38789, conf, CLR, Medicine Hole 11-27H1, Jim Creek, no production data, 
  • 37958, conf, CLR, Charolais South Federal 16-10HSL1, Elm Tree, no production data,

Wells Coming Off The Confidential List This Next Week -- November 20, 2022

Wednesday, November 30, 2022: 72 for the month, 109 for the quarter, 654 for the year.
38844, conf, Slawson, Vixen Federal 7-19-30TFH,
38819, conf, CLR, Bonneville 7-26HSL,
38728, conf, Kraken, Raymond 16-21 2H,
38173, conf, CLR, LCU Foster FIU 10-28H1,
37965, conf, Enerplus, Ham 151-94-16B-21H,
37945, conf, CLR, Brangus FIU 14-11H2,

Tuesday, November 29, 2022
: 66 for the month, 103 for the quarter, 648 for the year.
38921, conf, CLR, Medicine Hole 3-27HSL,
38843, conf, Slawson, PhatKat Federal 7-18-7TFH,
37947, conf, CLR, Brangus FIU 12-11H1
37946, conf, CLR, Brangus FIU 13-11H,

Monday, November 28, 2022: 62 for the month, 99 for the quarter, 644 for the year.
38920, conf,  CLR, Medicine Hole 4-27H1,
38861, conf, Petro-Hunt, Setterlund 159-94-34C-27-3H,
38842, conf, Slawson, PhatKat Federal 6-18-7TFH,
38729, conf, Kraken, Raymond LW 16-21 12H,
38172, conf, CLR, LCU Foster Federal 9-28H,
37948, conf, CLR, Brangus FIU 11-11H,

Sunday, November 27, 2022: 56 for the month, 93 for the quarter, 638 for the year.
38919, conf, CLR, Medicine Hole 5-27H,
38860, conf, Petro-Hunt, Setterlund 159-94-34D-27-3H,
38730, conf, Kraken, Fairbanks 17-20 6H,
38171, conf, CLR, LCU Foster Federal 8-28H1,
37949, conf, CLR, Brangus FIU 10-11H,

Saturday, November 26, 2022: 51 for the month, 88 for the quarter, 633 for the year.
38859, conf, Petro-Hunt, Setterland 159-94-34C-27-2H,
38779, conf, CLR, Medicine Hole 6-27H,
38775, conf, Hunt, Palermo 156-90-6-34H 3,
37951, conf, CLR, Brangus Federal 8-11H,
37950, conf, CLR, Brangus Federal 9-11H1,

Friday, November 25, 2022: 46 for the month, 83 for the quarter, 628 for the year.
38933, conf, Petro-Hunt, Schultes 159-94-34C-SWD,
38785, conf, CLR, Medicine Hole 7-27H1,
38777, conf, Hunt, Palermo 156-90-5-34H 4,
37966, conf, Enerplus, Bacon 151-94-16B-21H,
37952, conf, CLR, Brangus Federal 7-11H2,

Thursday, November 24, 2022: 42 for the month, 79 for the quarter, 624 for the year.
38890, conf, Neset Consulting Service, Halite 1,
37953, conf, CLR, Brangus Federal 6-11H,

Wednesday, November 23, 2022: 40 for the month, 77 for the quarter, 622 for the year.
38786, conf, Medicine Hole 8-27H,
37954, conf, CLR, Brangus Federal 5-11H1,

Tuesday, November 22, 2022: 38 for the month, 75 for the quarter, 620 for the year.
38787, conf, CLR, Medicine Hole 9-27H1,
37955, conf, CLR, Brangus FIU 4-11H,

Monday, November 21, 2022: 36 for the month, 73 for the quarter, 618 for the year.
38803, conf, Hunt, King 156-90-5-34H 4,
37956, conf, CLR, Brangus FIU 3-11H2,

Sunday, November 20, 2022: 34 for the month, 71 for the quarter, 616 for the year.
38876, conf, CLR, Nebula SWD,
38788, conf, CLR, Medicine Hole 10-27H,
37957, conf, CLR, Brangus FIU 2-11H,

Saturday, November 19, 2022: 32 for the month, 69 for the quarter, 614 for the year.
38789, conf, CLR, Medicine Hole 11-27H1,
37958, conf, CLR, Charolais South Federal 16-10HSL1,