From Watts Up With That?
According to Deutsche Welle, the Mexican President is standing firm on his prohibition of all new grid connections to renewable energy plants, a policy shift which was originally reported by WUWT at the start of May.
The Weather Page
This should be good. Every day when I drive Sophia, age five, to Tutor Time, I have her give me the weather report. I've never been able to explain to her the difference between 'partly cloudy" and "partly sunny," though to be honest, I seldom hear the latter. It's generally "partly cloudy" if there are clouds at all.
Watts Up With That?
Okay here goes.
Partly cloudy and partly sunny are the same thing, though at night partly cloudy would be a "better choice." Both indicate cloud coverage of 3/8 to 5/8.
Mostly cloudy: 5/8 to 7/8.
Mostly sunny: 1/8 to 3/8.
And if interested, the linked article also explains the difference between an obscured sky and an overcast sky.
The EU Commits Suicide
Meanwhile, over at Not A Lot Of People Know That, several stories on this subject: Europe is about to lose its automobile manufacturing sector due to "climate change" mandates.
Great Wuhan Flu Updates
Over at Real Climate Science.
The photographs and videos are always first-rate at this site.