Locator: 44648EVS.
EVs are tracked here.
I'm just clearing out the inbox. This interests me not at all at the moment, but necessary for the archives.
I will post the links with little or no commenting.
Porsche, ZeroHedge, China sales slump. Link here.
China, renews car trade-in subsidy to boost hybrid, EV sales. Link here.
Honda: may delay new EV models due to Donald Trump presidency. Link here.
Link here.
Wow, this was talked about on the blog years ago -- how this would absolutely devastate the automobile industry -- trapped between the California mandates and the reality almost everywhere else. The Obama/Biden legacy/reputation, with regard to EVs, will go the way of Angela Merkel in Germany.

The years just keep getting warmer. I mean this facetiously. At first, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration told us 2016 was 0.94 degree warmer than the 20th-century average. Then the agency raised its estimate by several steps to 1 degree in 2020
before dropping it back to 0.99 perhaps under Trump influence. With
Democrats back in charge under President Biden, 2016 started getting
warmer again, reaching 1.03 degrees in 2023. The latest NOAA chart shows it 1.04 degrees warmer than the baseline.
Consider it a small evidence of what David Samuels, in a widely noted article, calls the legacy of Obama-era
“permission structures.” By permission structures, he means a “whole of
society” strategy of pressure and subtle bullying to force buy-in of
Obama goals. I hit on a similar
formula in 2012 when I explained that Mr. Obama imposed his will by
giving voters “permission to think highly of themselves for thinking
highly of him.”
residue, which NOAA obviously participated in, was the permission
structure behind today’s gathering boondoggle created by Obama-era
mandated investment in electric vehicles.
feature Mr. Samuels stresses is an Obamaesque ability to substitute
new, instantly embraced ideas for old, instantly embraced ideas. In his
first two years, Joe Biden
justified his giant increase in EV subsidies and mandates by citing the
“existential risk” of global climate change. Then that argument was
junked overnight. EVs became a “strategic” technology that must be
protected from Chinese competition.
Both arguments were nonsense, as I belabored
here, yet were seamlessly echoed in the media in turn. Subsidizing
green-energy consumption is simply to subsidize energy consumption,
including fossil energy. EVs are “strategic” only for China, to reduce
its reliance on imported oil in anticipation
of military conflict with the U.S. For the rest of the world, including
the U.S., electric cars are a consumer technology, albeit a
fast-emerging and promising one. Sensibly, they’re also a technology
that should have been left to consumers and carmakers to adapt and
develop without distorting handouts and mandates.
The result is finally in view: a colossal self-destruction of the Western auto industry, with Germany’s at the forefront. Volkswagen
is in a panic about Chinese competition to the money-losing EVs that
Berlin forces the company to sell. Germany’s export-led economy is in
free fall. Its bellwether auto giant, VW, is pursuing its first-ever
domestic factory closures and layoffs.
Likewise, Ford CEO Jim Farley sees his company’s survival in the U.S. threatened
by Chinese EVs given the tens of thousands of dollars Ford already
loses on each of its government-mandated electric vehicles. The author
of Germany’s auto mess, Angela Merkel, is now reviled as an unprincipled
bandwagon grabber.
Don’t kid yourself.
The same reputational fate is
coming for Messrs. Obama and Biden. Mr. Biden’s EV protectionism is
America’s admission of defeat. The U.S. went from “Americans must buy
EVs to save the planet” to “Americans must be prevented from buying
cheap, high-quality Chinese EVs to preserve a government-created
domestic boondoggle.”
Much more at the link.
Local -- North Texas
High Income Areas
My oberservation: our area saw incredible penetration of Tesla EVs, including the Cybertruck, starting several years ago.
All of a sudden, everything, with regard to EVs, seems to have plateaued. I have seen no additional charging points being installed. No change in the number of service stations across the entire region.
On a daily basis, I see one -- exactly one -- Cybertruck.
Sophia, age 10, fifth grader, says she and her friends call the Cybertruck a garbage truck. That was unsolicited. She told me that as a Cybertruck passed us going in the opposite direction. She says they refer to it as a "garbage truck" because that's what it looks like to them.