Sometimes I don't blog as much as I normally would because I am overwhelmed by all the negativity in the mainstream media.
Right now, I am unable to blog because of all the good news coming out of the mainstream media.
Nothing has changed, just my perception after visiting the Bakken this past week.
I think things are in a lot better shape than the mainstream media would have us believe.
Note To The Granddaughters
This weekend, her dad took the oldest granddaughter to Houston where she was playing in a regional water polo tournament.
Meanwhile, her mother took the middle-aged granddaughter to all her soccer games and Olympic Development Program sessions.
And that left me with two full days of being with Sophia. She and I are joined at the hip. She can read my mind; I can read hers. I can anticipate when she needs something, and what she needs.
Tonight, Sophia and I spent the evening downtown. We had dinner in a 5-star French pastry restaurant on Main Street, Grapevine, TX, and then explored Main Street after dinner.
The motorcyclists were out; Sophia is fascinated by motorcycles, as am I. A short video of our time on Main Street, Grapevine, TX, tonight.

Sophia was quite thrilled to be carrying the dessert -- chocolate mousse cake -- home in her little "doggie bag." Sophia picked out the dessert herself. The slice of cake they gave us could have served a family of four, so we had a fair amount to take home:
ObamaCare Ailing, Failing -- NY Times
Link here. The details hardly matter. Anyone paying attention knows the problem. The newsworthy "thing" is that the NY Times has finally dared print what most of us have know for six years.
Meanwhile, over in Minnesota, the ObamaCare news gets worse every day. Link here.
Minnesota's top health insurance regulator says the state's individual market is in "an emergency situation" amid big rate increases for next year.
Department of Commerce Commissioner Mike Rothman said Friday that the five companies offering plans through the state's exchange or directly to consumers were prepared to leave the market for 2017.
He said big rate increases were the tradeoff to convince all but one company to remain for now.