Locator: 48357ARCHIVES.
Tariffs: autos and microchips off the table? Link to The WSJ. Position 1.
2 nm: Apple quickly moving to TSMC's 2-nm process / A20 chip for next iPhone. Link here. iPhone 18 / A20 hip / 2-nm process. Chips are tracked here.
Politics, Literature, Miscellaneous
Politics: great news for Trump -- "defiant Schumer says he won't step down; isn't going anywhere." That second half is true -- Schumer isn't going anywhere. LOL.
- Schumer is "old school" -- big plus for Trump in negotiations;
- at least half of the Democratic rank-and-file can't stand Schumer; clearly the "Mitch McConnell" of the Democrat party;
- he's as transactional as Trump;
Universities looking to "play ball with Trump." Link to The WSJ. Position 7.
IRS, ICE may reach deal on sharing information. It's already being done and is lawful but IRS has been relatively unhelpful -- until now. Link to The WSJ. Position 4.
- ICE provides detailed background for a "yes/no" question. IRS will reply with a one-word answer.
Colorado legislature: finds the Second Amendment offensive -- and this is Colorado! Demands GOP rep remove a sticker with a reference to second amendment from his laptop. Wow.
Snow White: Disney film bombs at the box office. Not good.
Stranded astronauts: the reason behind the "stranded astronauts" story is truly concerning. Very concerning.
Brenda James: they know.
North Texas weather: 79°F today (was forecast to reach 80°F but may not make it). Forecast for tomorrow, 81°F ... but look at this .. 89°F on Tuesday. Folks are at the pool today. A bit windy which makes it feel a bit cooler than it really is.