Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Rambling On A Tuesday Night -- National Emergencies -- Never Quit Reading -- December 17, 2024

Locator: 44479CONSTITUTION.

I don't follow politics as closely as some, but I'm getting a kick out of the current political situation.

Imagine if you are the incoming president and you know you have only four years to get things done.

You know how a president's initiatives can be thwarted and delayed through any number of means.

Already some political leaders are taking steps to "Trump-proof" their cities and states. California's governor Newsom may be the poster child for such efforts.

It may be a good time to learn a bit more about the National Emergencies Act (link to wiki here) enacted on September 14, 1976. 

Just for starters, some might argue that a national debt of $36 trillion is a national emergency.

Some might argue that with the rise of large data centers, the national electricity grid has become a national emergency.

Infrastructure? Highways? A national emergency? Perhaps. 

Shipping? The Jones Act? A national emergency? Perhaps.

Oil pipelines? Alaska? Keystone XL? National emergencies? Perhaps.

And that's just a start. 

From wiki:

Powers available under this Act are limited to the 136 emergency powers Congress has defined by law.

Seems more than enough to get the ball -- or balls -- rolling.

The Book Page

From a book review of the book, The Claremont Review of Books, Fall 2024, p. 59. On line here. "The Great Miscalculation," Christopher Flannery.

What a great introduction:

In A Hell of a Storm: The Battle for Kansas, the End of Compromise, and the Coming of the Civil War, David S. Brown identifies 1854 as the moment when “Jefferson’s southern-oriented, plantation-based, and Democratic Party-powered America” began to give way to what would become “Lincoln’s northern-oriented, factory-based, and Republican Party-powered America.”

This great transformation had “everything to do” with the Kansas-Nebraska Act, introduced on January 4, 1854, by Illinois Democratic senator Stephen A. Douglas and—after months of contention in the Senate and House, and in the public prints and public squares—signed into law by Democratic President Franklin Pierce on May 30, 1854. Brown calls it “the most lethal piece of legislation to ever clear Congress.” He follows a long line of historians in holding that the act put the nation “irreparably on the road to Civil War.” Its key explosive ingredient was the repeal of the Missouri Compromise of 1820’s prohibition of slavery in the Louisiana Territory north of 36° 30’. As Harry V. Jaffa wrote in Crisis of the House Divided (1959), that repeal, coupled with Lincoln’s opposition to it, was an “absolute sine qua non of the advent of the Civil War.”

“Bleeding Kansas”—the localized civil war between pro- and anti-slavery settlers in the Kansas territory between 1854 and the start of full-blown Civil War—was a direct result of this catastrophic legislation. Other results came on fast and hard: John Brown’s Pottawatomie massacre (part of Bleeding Kansas) and his later raid at Harpers Ferry; the collapse of the party system, the disappearance of the Whig Party, and the rise of the Republican Party; the infamous Dred Scott decision; and the breakdown of the “once sacred system” of historic compromises that had held the Union together for 80 years. All “owed something small or large” to the “decisions made on slavery and territorial development during the fateful Kansas-Nebraska debates,” writes Brown.

Most fatefully—I say this with slightly more emphasis than Brown does—the repeal of the Missouri Compromise “aroused” Abraham Lincoln and brought him back into politics. The Peoria speech Lincoln delivered in October 1854, in direct response to Douglas’s legislation, was of a sort he had never delivered before. As Jaffa wrote in these pages, “it marked the first and fullest elaboration of the political, rhetorical, and philosophical strategy that he would pursue to the end of the decade and, indeed, to the end of his life” (“Lincoln in Peoria,” Fall 2009).

A Musical Interlude

Wow, I simply "love" this singer. 

From google:

Although it was the "original" that haunted me for years, I would rather listen to Lana Del Rey's cover.

I had probably just experienced the most intense three months of my life up to that point in my life, and even at age 73, that summer may still be the most intense, most complicated three months of my life. I was on my way home, late August, via West Virginia, late summer, 1971. John Denver's Take Me Home Country Roads was the hit song that summer, released in the spring of 1971. I was torn between staying on the east coast and returning home to the Dakotas. I really had no choice, but it was incredibly difficult. To this day, I wonder how it would have been had I taken the other fork in that road.

Link here.

Whiting With Five New Permits

Locator: 44478B.

Grid: link here. With Doug Burgum involved, this is a no-brainer for North Dakota.

The U.S. Department of Energy has zeroed in on three regions of the country it has determined are in major need of new electric transmission infrastructure and eligible for future federal funding, it announced on Monday.

The DOE selected Lake Erie-Canada, including parts of Lake Erie and Pennsylvania; the Southwestern Grid Connector, including parts of Colorado, New Mexico, and a small portion of western Oklahoma; and the Tribal Energy Access Corridor, including central parts of North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and five Tribal Reservations, as National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors.
The DOE has narrowed down an initial list of national interest corridors to three from 10. The designation would allow the federal government to expedite the development of grid expansion projects. It is meant to help areas that grapple with high electricity bills and power disruptions attract more investment in transmission capacity.
The comment period for the three corridors would extend to February 2025, after President-elect Donald Trump takes office. Trump has said he may declare a national energy emergency to expedite the construction of new electric capacity and domestic energy.

Back to the Bakken

WTI: $70.08.

Active rigs: 37.

Six new permits, #41431 - #41436, inclusive:

  • Operator: Whiting (5); Neptune Operating
  • Fields: Foreman Butte (McKenzie); Arnegard (McKenzie)
  • Comments:
    • Neptune Operating has a permit for a Gullickson well, SESE 36-150-101, 
      • to be sited 313 FSL and 1170 FEL;
    • Whiting has permits for five Jefferson Federal wells, SWSW 14-150-103; 
      • to be sited between 968 FSL and 974 FSL and between 1161 FWL and 1292 FWL.

Two permits renewed:

  • 39520, BR, State Dodge 3C, Dimmick Lake, McKenzie County;
  • 39521, BR, State Dodge 3D, Dimmick Lake, McKenzie County;

Two producing wells (DUCs) reported as completed:

  • 34558, 180, XTO, Rough Federal 44X-23DXA, McKenzie County.
  • 40609, 2,617, MRO, Selmer 21-14H, Dunn County. Bailey oil field;

So, What's The Story With AVGO? December 17, 2024

Locator: 44477AVGO.

Tag: AVGO Broadcom

Link here


Apple: Updating -- December 17, 2024

Locator: 44476AAPL.

All US equity markets will finish in the red today. Not AAPL.

Not only green, but sits atop the market. Will finish up almost 1%; up almost $2.43. 

Market cap at $3.83 trillion.



That p/e is concerning but the forward p/e is much more reassuring:

The Benchmark 


Updating An Old Slawson Submariner Federal Well -- December 17, 2024

Locator: 44475SUBMARINER.

The Slawson Submariner Federal wells are tracked here, but have not been updated in a long time.

The well:

  • 32274,2,117, Slawson, Submariner Federal 2 SLH, 31 stages; 2.6 million lbs; 63 stages; 13.8 million lbs; Big Bend, t6/19; cum 165K 2/20; remains off line 9/20; back on line 2/21; cum 377K 10/21; cum 660K 10/24;

Production at time of initial drilling:


2021 - 2022, with jump in production:


Current production, still a great well:

PoolDateDaysBBLS OilRunsBBLS WaterMCF ProdMCF SoldVent/Flare

Update On Activitiy In The Antelope-Sanish -- Some Very Nice Wells -- December 17, 2024

Locator: 44474ANTELOPE.

The well

  • 30541, 4,871, Enerplus/Bruin, Fort Berthold 151-94-26A-35-4H, Sanish-Antelope, 55 stages; 14.4 million lbs, an incredible well; staggering, t6/18; cum 292K 9/18; cum 765K 10/21; cum 841K 10/24;

The maps:

My hunch, but still confidential: the likely direction of the horizontals:

These four wells are sited to the southeast and run north, and end just southeast of the site where those four confidential Petrogulf Corp wells are sited:

  • 25948, 2,088/F, Petrogulf Corporation, Sandstrom 151-94-1H, Antelope-Sanish, t12/13; cum 525K 10/24;
  • 25949, 1,367/F, Petrogulf Corporation, Sandstrom 151-94-2HTF, Antelope-Sanish, t12/13; cum 620K 10/24;
  • 28522, 2,106/F, Petrogulf Corporation, Three Tribes 151-94-3H, Antelope-Sanish, t12/14; cum 446K 10/24;
  • 28523, 1,572/F, Petrogulf Corporation, Three Tribes 151-94-4HTF, Antelope-Sanish, t12/14; cum 608K 10/24;

Wells of interest, the scout tickets suggest these horizontals will run south, paralleling #30541::

  • 31920, conf, Petrogulf Corporation, Three Tribes 151-94-7H, Antelope,
  • 31921, conf, Petrogulf Corporation, Three Tribes 151-94-8HTF, Antelope,
  • 31922, conf, Petrogulf Corporation, Three Tribes 151-94-18HTF, Antelope,
  • 31923, conf, Petrogulf Corporation, Three Tribes 151-94-19H, Antelope,

Initial production back in 2018:


A small jump in production back in 2021:


Current production:

PoolDateDaysBBLS OilRunsBBLS WaterMCF ProdMCF SoldVent/Flare

Taco Tuesday -- US LNG Exports Set Record; Pace Of Growth Will Surge Next Year -- December 17, 2024

Locator: 44473LNG.

GDPNow: 3.1 -- updated today; next update, tomorrow. For 4Q24.

Honda - Nissan: merger in the works?

Report: only 16% of Americans surveyed said they planned to spend more this Christmas than last year. Now this, reported today by CNBC:

  • the November retail sales came in much higher than expected;
  • retail sales returning to pre-Covid era
  • also note: inflation not "falsely" raising sales this year compared to last year
  • Thanksgiving weekend set a record: I guess those 16% are making up for the other 84% who said they were going to spend less than last year;
  • now, economists expect a expect a record Saturday before Christmas
  • records will be set despite one full week less between Thanksgiving and Christmas this year compared to last year
  • "the American consumer is powering through this and they've been saving all year for this"  CNBC guest expert on retail sales.

India: why this country wants to increase its birth rate. This is an incredibly misleading headline. Two states in India want to bring their birth rate to "replacement level." Fertility rates are not keeping up with death rates. 

The country of India may or may not want to increase their overall birth rate, but this article suggests only two states want to increase their birth rates, and they are in the south, far from the highest population areas in the north. The two states are Andhra Pradresh and Tamil Nadu.
The latter is India's "silicon valley." Andhra Padresh is in the southeast and borders the Bay of Bengal to the east; the bay is the northeastern part of the Indian Ocean. It shares its southern border with Tamil Nadu, the southernmost state in Indian. Telugu, one of India's classical languages, is the primary official language and most widely spoken. Likewise, Tamil, one of the longest surviving classical languages in the world, is the official language of Tamil Nadu.

Back to the Bakken

WTI: $69.41.

Thursday, December 19, 2024: 27 for the month; 130 for the quarter, 657 for the year

  • 35511, conf, Enerplus, FB Clinton 148-94-29B-32-9B,

Wednesday, December 18, 2024: 26 for the month; 129 for the quarter, 656 for the year

  • None.
Tuesday, December 17, 2024: 26 for the month; 129 for the quarter, 656 for the year
  • None.

RBN Energy: a new entrant to tackle the Permians' dire need for gas takeaway capacity. Archived here.

Negative natural gas prices have been breaking hearts in the Permian Basin for many years, with pipeline development struggling to keep pace with rapid increases in associated gas production, but 2024 has shattered all previous records for the severity and length of negatively priced periods. The Matterhorn Express Pipeline, which started partial service at the beginning of October, is helping to stabilize the market for now, but with more production gains on the way, additional takeaway capacity will be needed. And after this year’s run of negative prices, producers have been willing to commit to new capacity.

A whopping 4.57 Bcf/d of new pipeline capacity has secured final investment decisions (FIDs) since this summer, including two new greenfield pipelines WhiteWater Midstream’s 2.5-Bcf/d Blackcomb pipeline took FID in August 2024, and then last week, Energy Transfer sanctioned the Hugh Brinson Pipeline, which will provide at least 1.5 Bcf/d of additional takeaway capacity.

The incremental capacity provided by these projects will be needed soon, as our forecasts indicate a strong likelihood that capacity constraints will return in the early months of 2026. In today’s RBN blog, we discuss Energy Transfer’s newly renamed Hugh Brinson Pipeline — formerly the Warrior Pipeline — and other recent developments in the Permian and examine how they will reshape flows and basis throughout the wider region.

Oilprice: link here.

  • 2024: on track to ship a record 86.9 million metric tons of LNG
    • these volumes would be 0.8% higher than 2023
    • more than any other country
  • averaged 11.9 billion cfpd last year
    • up by 12% compared with 2022
  •  pace of growth will be slower this year, to 12 bcfpd in 2024
  • but next year, 2025, pace picks up: expected to jump a whopping 15%, near 14 bcfpd
    • contributing to this increase:
    • Plaquemines: just reached LNG production this past month;
      • commissioning period to last 18 months
    • Corpus Christi LNG Stage 3