Locator: 44527POPULATION.
Congressional reapportionment, link here:
- California: -4
- New York: -2
- Oregon: -1
- Minnesota, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania: -3 combined
- Texas, Florida: +8 combined
December 20, 2024, link here:
In the last year, the
population of the United States grew at the fastest rate in more than 20
years, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
data shows that the U.S. population increased by almost 1% this year,
or by 3.3 million people, surpassing 340 million. The South experienced
the most population growth of all the regions by far, increasing by 1.8
million people.
Most recent data:
Previously Posted
Locator: 47142ECON.
April 11, 2024: Carl Q:
April 7, 2024: Exhibit A -- Japan.
April 7, 2024, link here:
The daily march of migrants across the Southern border has been a
political curse for President Joe Biden. But for the economy, it may
have turned out to be a blessing.
By adding millions of new workers to the labor market, the immigration
surge has lifted payrolls and growth, and potentially helped keep a lid
on consumer prices, according to recent research. Capitol Hill’s
budgeteers also think it stands to reduce the deficit in the coming
In an analysis published earlier this week, Ernie Tedeschi, a former
Biden White House economist, found that the post-pandemic pickup in
immigration accounted for at least one-fifth of the increase in U.S.
gross domestic product since the end of 2019. Though it wasn’t the only
factor, the boost from migrants helped explain why the American economy
has bounced back much more strongly than those of other developed
countries, he argued.
This is so incredible. I first talked about this in a post on July 23, 2022, almost two years ago.
In the [2024 - 2009 = ] fifteen years since I've been blogging, I've done four deep-dives of which I'm most proud:
- Netflix: "the next big thing"
- Devon: best operator in the Permian
- Nvidia: I pivoted from energy to semiconductor chips early
- the Southern Surge, as part of a bigger story, jobs: the $7 trillion gift
I'm looking for the fifth "deep dive."
Original Post
That southern surge. The $7 trillion gift. Link here.
The linked
Barron's story.
The U.S. fertility rate peaked in 2007 at 2.12 children per woman.
It is expected to level out this year at 1.70 births per woman, and remain there through 2054.
and aging trends could create significant headwinds for economic
growth, as aging populations historically have experienced declines in
work, productivity, and spending. But the news isn’t all bad, says
Matthias Doepke, an economics professor ... with a title so long it
won't fit on two lines.....
The future
isn’t written in stone, he notes, while the experience of other
countries in similar straits should offer the U.S. a road map to
maximizing opportunities and avoiding pitfalls.
has spent much of his career studying how political and cultural
changes affect economic development, with a focus on how macroeconomic
conditions influence fertility choices. He recently spoke with Barron’s
about the impact of demographic changes on the labor market, and the
so-called demographic dividend.
Re-posting From Last Month
It started here.
Locator: 46813IMMIGRATION.
From a while ago, link here.
Note how far Biden moved the unemployment rate to a better number over
the last three years (his first year numbers were "Trump's numbers").
The $7-trillion gift.
Link here.
Those states that best manage the new immigrants will do best.
And more. Link here.
New: the "silver tsunami." Link here.