There may be errors on this page. Early on a lot of locations -- fields -- were inaccurate. They were updated from the NDIC website January 4, 2015. If something seems wrong, it probably is. Go to source if questions or to confirm / check data.
May 22, 2020: production updated;
production data here;
January 28, 2019: production data updated; see below;
August 5, 2017: 18047, Teton 21-3H, recently taken off-line; also, #29428 also taken off-line recently; re-fracking one or the other?
August 12, 2015: with regard to the Kings Canyon wells, we have some new information -- from an update elsewhere --
#29434, 1,080, BR, Kings Canyon 3-1-27MTFH; 36 stages, 4 million lbs; t7/15; cum 118K 2/21; off line as of 8/19; back on line 2/20; is an important well from standpoint of understanding "legal"
names of BR Kings Canyon wells in Camel Butte. In the original post below, written a long time ago, I suggested
that the "M" in MTF stood for "middle Three Forks," a new term for me.
In the old days, it was simply the upper Three Forks that was targeted
whenever we saw "TF" in the legal name. Shortly thereafter, operators
starting talking about the four benches in the Three Forks, and the
"upper TF" became TF1, the first bench. Now, we see "middle Three Forks.
In the application, this is identified as Three Forks B2 (second
bench). From the well file, for #29434, "the Middle Three Forks
Formation [in this location] is a 20-foot-thick zone (~ 52' below the
base of the Lower Bakken Shale)." Later in the report, the target zone
lithology was said to have been taken 13 - 30' below the base of the
Lower Bakken Shale. Another interesting note: this is a 2560-acre
stand-up drilling unit; this well is sited in the northernmost section
339 feet from the north line, and then runs south, as a long lateral.
Formation tops:
- KOP: 10,400'
- Carrington State: 10,766'
- Scallion: 10,772'
- Upper Bakken Shale: 10,789'
- Middle Bakken: 10,819'
- Lower Bakken Shale: 10.885'
- Upper Three Forks: 10,936'
September 19, 2014: in today's daily activity report, seven more BR Teton / Kings Canyon wells to be drilled in Camel Butte:
a 4-well pad in the SWSE quadrant of section 10-150-96 (right next to the SESW pad in same section 10):
- 29461, 2,926, BR, RemingTeton 8-8-10MBH ULW, Blue Buttes, t7/15; cum 313K 2/21;
- 29462, 2,565, BR, Teton 8-8-10TFSH, Camel Butte, t7/5; cum 197K 2/21;
- 29463, 2,645, BR, Teton 7-8-10MBH, Camel Butte, t7/15; cum 293K 2/21; back on line 2/20;
- 29464, 2,525, BR, Teton 6-8-10MBH, Camel Butte, t7/15; cum 284K 2/21;
a 3-well pad in the NESE quadrant of section 34-151-96:
- 29465, 2,565, BR, Teton 7-1-3TFSH, Camel Butte, t7/15; cum 205K 2/21;
- 29466, 2,124, BR, Kings Canyon 8-7-8-34MBH, Camel Butte, t7/15; cum 258K 2/21;
- 29467, 1,566, BR, Kings Canyon 6-8-34UTFH, Camel Butte, t8/15; cum 208K 2/21;
September 18, 2014: from a reader -- see first comment -- There is also a 4-well pad in section 10, kitty corner, southwest to section 34. Despite the different names, they are all on the same pad, lot 1 section 4-150-96:
- 29048, 2,112, BR, Teton 2-1-MTFH, Camel Butte, t7/15; cum 162K 2/21; back on line 2/20;
- 29049, 1,560, BR, Tetonnorman 1-1-3UTFH, ULW, Johnson Corner, t6/15; cum 272K 2/21;
- 29050, 1,584, BR, Kings
Canyon 2-8-34UTFH, Camel Butte, 4 sections, KOP - Dec 16; TD - Dec 21,
2015; 17 - 48 feet below the base of the lower Bakken shale; t7/15; cum 237K 2/21; back on line 2/20;
- 29051, 2.064, BR, DeKing 1-8-34MBH-ULW, Camel Butte, t6/15; cum 341K 2/21;
Notice the combined names on
permits #29049 and #29051
and the abbreviation
ULW. These are overlapping spacing units and the
ULW stands for
Unit Line Well.
Original Post
[In these long notes, I don't often take time to proofread them two or three times. There may be typographical and/or factual errors. I have no formal training and no background in the oil and gas industry. No one should make any financial decisions, or otherwise, based on anything they read here or think they read here. With regard to the Bakken I make every effort to be as accurate as possible, but I blog quickly and don't double- or triple-check most things. (With all non-Bakken items, expect satire, parody, humor, sarcasm, opinions, factual errors, etc.) With regard to the posted information, I could use Microsoft Word to do the same thing but it would be more cumbersome; HTML works much better. See "Welcome/Disclaimer." I elected to share the HTML as a "blog" for various reasons. If anything appears wrong on the blog, it probably is. I try hard to link sources for everything posted. Go to sources.]
Refer to the graphic below.
In today's daily activity report, BR was issued twelve (12) permits
in Camel Butte oil field. Four wells will be placed on each of three
pads. I noted the designations (which may have been used earlier, but if
so, I've missed them, or never paid any attention).
The three pads are designated by the "red rectangles" in the graphic above, in sections 10, 27, and 34.
The following wells will be placed on each of the three pads, as noted:
SWSE 34-151-96
- 29423, 1,608, BR, Kings Canyon
4-8-34UTFH, Camel Butte, 4 sections, pay target 24 feet thick; low
background gas, moderately high trip gas; t7/15; cum 184K 2/21;
- 29424, 1,200, Kings Canyon 4-8-34MBH, Camel Butte, t8/15; cum 195K 2/21;
- 29425, 1,608, Kings Canyon 5-8-34UTFH, Camel Butte, t7/15; cum 136K 2/21;
- 29426, 2,040, BR, Teton 5-1-3TFSH, Camel Butte, 4 sections, t7/15; cum 241K 2/21;
NESE 34-151-96
- 29465, 2,565, BR, Teton 7-1-3TFSH, Camel Butte, 4 sections, pay target 18 feet thick, t7/15; cum 205K 2/21;
- 29466, 2,124, Kings Canyon 7-8-34MBH, Camel Butte, t7/15; cum 258K 2/21;
- 29467, 1,566, Kings Canyon 6-8-34UTFH, Camel Butte, t8/15; cum 208K 2/21;
- 29517, 2,669, LaCanyon 8-8-34MBH ULW, Blue Buttes, t8/15; cum 404K 2/21;
SESW 10-150-96
- 29427, 2,766, Teton 2-8-10MBH, Johnson Corner, t7/15; cum 389K 2/21;
- 29428, 1,844, Teton 3-8-10MBH, Johnson Corner, t7/15; cum 272K 2/21;
- 29429, 2,124, Teton 5-8-10MBH, Johnson Corner, t7/15; cum 172K 2/21;
- 29430, 2,044, Teton 6-8-10TFSH, Johnson Corner, t7/15; cum 182K 2/21;
NWNE 27-151-96
- 8873, 83, Murex, George Tank 2, Madison/Devonian/Silurian, t8/88; t6/82; t6/82; cum 339K 2/21; cum 86K TA/88 (Devonian); dry (Silurian); Camel Butte,
- 18018, 321, BR, Kings Canyon 21-27H, Camel Butte, t12/09; cum 312K 2/21;
- 29431, IA/1,848, Kings Canyon 6-1-27MBH, t7/15; cum 176K 2/21;
- 29432, 1,560, Kings Canyon 6-1-27MTFH, t8/15; cum 162K 2/21;
- 29433, 1,464, Kings Canyon 4-1-27MTFH, t7/15; cum 127K 12/20; off line;
- 29434, 1,080, Kings Canyon 3-1-27MTFH, t8/15; cum 118K 2/21; was off-line 10/16 - 4/17;
I am assuming the "M" does not stand for monitoring, but of course that's always a possibility.
The usual designation for a horizontal in the middle Bakken is: MBH (sometimes simply "H").
usual designation for the Three Forks Sanish, also often referred to as
the upper Three Forks, has been TFS. I suppose there might be
horizontals in the TFS designated as TFSH.
I could be
wrong, but I believe what we used to call the TFS, is now the upper
Three Forks, and which is now generally referred to as the first bench,
The underlying benches are TF2, TF3, and TF4. To
date, it is accepted that some areas in the Williston Basin are
productive in TF2 and TF3, but to the best of my knowledge, TF4 is not
yet recognized as a productive target.
But I haven't seen any operator use those designations (TF1, TF2, or TF3) in the names of their permits/wells.
This is, just as one example, how Oasis "sees" the formations in the Bakken Pool, which I believe is the same way that CLR "sees" the formations:

From the September, 2014, Oasis presentation.
So, back to the BR permits above.
We have UTFH, MBH, TFSH, and MTFH in the BR permits above.
Until I'm corrected, I am assuming:
- UTFH: upper Three Forks, but because there is also TFSH, this is most likely TF2;
- MTFH: the middle Three Forks, and for the same reason, this is most likely TF3;
- TFSH: the traditional (legacy) upper Three Forks, or TF1; and,
- MBH: middle Bakken, of course.
Section 27 has all "M" wells: middle Bakken and middle Three Forks (TF3).
Section 34, with the "question mark," has "UTFH" and "TFSH" designations.
Section 10, with "MB, TFS" has the traditional "MBH," as well as the "TFSH" designation.
I could be very wrong; maybe BR had earlier permits which could explain all this and I simply missed them.
has its own system for designating the various formations but I haven't
sorted them out, nor have I have sorted out designations used by other
Trivia: #8873 is still flowing, no pump. The Devonian was first drilled in 1982; re-entered the Madison in 1988; total production approaching 400,000 bbls of oil. They also drilled the Silurian in 1982 but it was dry. (Note: factual errors and typographical errors are possible.)
- 8873, 44/83/dry; Madison/Devonian/Silurian; 1988; 1982; 1982; Murex, George Tank 2, t8/88; t6/82; cum 336K 8/20; cum 86K 7/88;
House of Cards - Real
EbolaWar; ObamaWar (Gulf War III);
no boots on the ground; third televised ISIL beheading; OPEN BORDERS/OPEN ARMS; where are the undocumented children; Homeland Security's Southern Command; the division of the Ukraine; Russian sanctions pushing Germany (EU to follow) into a new recession; a UN Climate Change Conference boycott; ObamaCare Sting; fast food restaurant movement for $150/hour minimum wage; Bergdahl; Benghazi; the war on coal; the war on nuclear energy; it all feels like everything is unraveling. Of course, as Blondie's Chris Stein once famously said, "It was never raveled in the first place."
And now more unraveling.
CNBC is reporting: "
big" Minnesota insurer is leaving ObamaCare site.
The "Blue Ox" of Minnesota Obamacare is calling it quits.
PreferredOne, the insurer that sold nearly 60 percent of all private
health plans on Minnesota's Obamacare exchange, on Tuesday said it would
leave that marketplace.
PreferredOne's plans were the lowest-cost
options on that exchange, known as MNSure.
PreferredOne cited the costs of doing business on MNSure as the reason
for its surprising decision, saying that selling plans is "not
administratively and financially sustainable going forward," according to, the website of that Minnesota TV News network.
This will be the first of many across the nation. Slowly, but surely.
Remember, by executive order, most of ObamaCare is on hold, delayed until 2015, and 2016.
House Of Cards - Fake
My wife and I have just finished watching Season 1 of "House of Cards," and are now starting on Season 2 having watched the first two episodes (of Season 2).
I really, really enjoyed Season 1 but with the death of Zoe at the end of Season 1, I've pretty much lost interest in the series (I've lost interest, but I still watch it). The music is still worth listening to, although my television speakers don't do the bass justice.
I've also lost interest in the series because as "incredible" (as in "unbelievable") as it was coming to be with each new episode, it could not keep up with what seems to be occurring in real life.