Saturday, January 21, 2023

A Slawson River Rat Federal Well Surges Through 500K Bbls Crude Oil Cumulative -- January 21, 2023

The well:

  • 30733, 978, Slawson, River Rat Federal 5-23-14TFH, Big Bend, t12/16; cum 522K 11/22; drilled back in 2016, look at recent production:
PoolDateDaysBBLS OilRunsBBLS WaterMCF ProdMCF SoldVent/Flare

A CLR Thronson Federal Well Has Just Gone Over 500K Bbls Crude Oil Cumulative -- January 21, 2023

The well:

  • 29670, 1,195, CLR, Thronson Federal 7-21H, Alkali Creek, t8/15; cum 409K 11/19; cum 511K 11/22;
PoolDateDaysBBLS OilRunsBBLS WaterMCF ProdMCF SoldVent/Flare

Random Update Of An Enerplus Owl Pad Well -- Screech -- Just Went Over 500K Bbls Cumulative Crude Oil -- January 21, 2023

Note: all Enerplus owl well pads have been updated.

The well:

  • 30864, 1,285, Enerplus, Screech 147-94-13B-24H, McGregory Buttes, 36 stages, 8.8 million lbs, t5/16; cum 413K 11/19; cum 476K 10/21; cum 504K 11/22; drilled back in 2016, recent production:
PoolDateDaysBBLS OilRunsBBLS WaterMCF ProdMCF SoldVent/Flare

Chip War -- January 21, 2023

I'll be posting my notes on the Chip War at this post.

Having just completed the book for the first time, I am absolutely convinced the Pentagon, Silicon Valley, and the national security agencies in Washington are working well together. Considering.

For investors, this is a must-read book. 

Philadelphia Eagles

I can’t recall seeing such a dominant NFL team as the Philadelphia Eagles tonight. 

Mercedes Benz -- EV

Link to arena-ev.

Disclaimer: this is not an investment site.  Do not make any investment, financial, job, career, travel, or relationship decisions based on what you read here or think you may have read here.

All my posts are done quickly: there will be content and typographical errors. If anything on any of my posts is important to you, go to the source. If/when I find typographical / content errors, I will correct them.    

As folks probably know, 5% of my new money investment allotment goes in Mercedes Benz. I believe Mercedes Benz of North America may have the inside track with regard to EV trucks, but I could be wrong.

From autoweek, May 24, 2021.

See also this post on the blog, November 21, 2022.

Bakken Natural Gas Prices Plummeted Last Year -- January 21, 2023

Link here.

For operators in the Bakken and for mineral owners, bad news, but can you imagine this story circulating in Germany right now?

Themes: 2023.

The Over-Riding Themes

Global energy: the 21st century is America's century.

Medicine: it's all about CRISPR, mRNA.

Information: it's all about semi-conductors, automation, robotics.

Inflation Doesn't Appear To Be Affecting K-Cups -- Which Should Raise Questions -- January 21, 2023

I've been tracking and buying K-cups "forever."

The "average" price I pay or the price I expect to pay: 50 cents / cup -- for the past several years, day-in, day-out regardless of headlines about good / bad coffee crops in Central America.

Here is today's screenshot. As inexpensive as 32 cents / K-cup, delivered free to your home.

Starbucks, in store,  a standard "tall" cup of black coffee: $1.85. 

Taking Down The Tree

Conversation Starters For Holiday Meals In North Dakota -- 2022 -- Probably Will Still Work In 2023


Link here. That link is broken. Here's a new one. Do not click on that link unless you like clickbait and tons of ads. These are the tips:

Thanksgiving is almost here, so it's time to make sure you have deflection tactics to avoid getting sucked into an unwanted conversation with family... or...

You can take one of these carefully crafted talking points to pull the pin and wait for the fun.

For fun, we have divided the topics into categories for your test subject, target, loved ones by age demographics.

Gen Z and Millennials:

By just clumping these two together, the seeds have been planted. Gen Z and Millennials can't stand each other's humor, personalities, or styles, so pitting them against themselves is by itself popcorn-worthy.

1. Gen Z are still children; their opinions are not wanted or needed, and they should be banished to the kids table where they won't be seen or heard. Ignore them and what they have to say; treat them like toddlers.

2. If you are FORCED to interact with one, every time you hear a young spry Gen Z'er say something that you don't understand, stop them in the middle of what they are saying and have them explain.  Even if you are not part of that conversation, heck, even if you know what they are talking about, drill down on having them spell it out.

Millennials, on the other hand, are an ocean of anxiety and insecurities; attack them. You may even be able to make a Millennial completely lose it without even having to say a word.

3. Judge Millennials by not only their individual life choices but their generation as a whole. For example, "Millennials have ruined the housing market" and "Millennials only care about avocado toast, latte's, and energy drinks."  Even if your Millennial is a blue-collar home owner, lumping them in with those who give the generation a bad name and doubling down when you need to is an easy path to paydirt.

4. We have all heard, "When are you going to give me a grandchild?"  It's tried and true because it is so successful. Challenge their worth as a person by what they don't have in their lives: children, their own house, a "real job".  For an extra cherry on top, mention how a family member or peer of theirs has already achieved those things.

Gen X

The Gen X'er can be a bit tricky to handle.  In their long time on this earth, they have become wise, but they are also prone to falling prey to their own hubris.

5. Find something that they love and say something disastrously wrong about it. "Did you know that Michael Jorden was suspended for gambling, and the NBA and him agreed that it was a retirement?" or even better, "I heard that the Pioneer Woman has all of her cookware made in Lithuanian sweat shops."  The options are limitless and hilarious.

6. Being Facebook friends with them is almost a must.  Pre-select a couple of hot-takes they have had on Facebook; if you don't know anything about the situation, find out the opposite stance, save some ammo, and pounce. "I just read that Thee-Sided Beauty Supply is a mid-level marketing scheme, and that's the same as a pyramid scheme, say Aunt Patty, didn't you use to sell that?" Pull out a chart that describes why the thing they love is bad and start the countdown to meltdown.


Boomer's are like someone who was raised by wolves; they look exactly like you and I do, albeit with a few more wrinkles, but if they are triggered, they will turn into feral beasts.

7. This one is so simple yet so sure-fire that it should be illegal.  Loudly overenunciate everything you are saying to make sure that they can hear you, and then, when they are just about to lose their wits, ask them about a completely made-up conversation "DID. YOU. CALL. DR. NRKIK. ABOUT. YOUR. IBS. MEDICINE. YET?" Chef's kiss, gaslight it up all day long.

8. Boomers are once again children; their opinions are not wanted or needed, and they should be banished to the kids table where they won't be seen or heard. Ignore them and what they have to say; treat them like toddlers who ruined the economy for everyone else. Dismiss everything they say as a cooky take from an addled mind.

Grab Bag

Here are a couple more people that you may run into on Thanksgiving that you can swing away at.

9. Pet People: It's as simple as telling pet people that they are not real parents, and having just a pet does not count, and you could never love it as much as your sister loves her twins Skeyeler and Neeb. You can also talk about how dangerous such-and-such a breed is.

10. The Already Bickering Couple: Start things off strong by mentioning an unrelated married couple and how you are so glad that Simon has cut down on his drinking and that Peggy has worked on her Amazon addiction. Follow it up by asking if they are planning to get away anytime soon, and then mention how well you have been doing at getting in shape.  Walk away for a little while; it's better to let the pressure cooker percolate.

The main thing is just to get out there and enjoy creating a little chaos, or, you know, full-blown psychological warfare.

Let's See If This Analyst's Forecast Ages Well -- January 21, 2023

Offshore oil business is gushing again. Link here.

Meanwhile, US Oil Forecasts

Bullet Train Update -- January 21, 2023

Link here.

Texas Bullet Train
Dallas to Houston

Apparently moving along but still many obstacles. It's impossible for me to find a good update but the general feeling reading many articles suggests less-than-great news. I'm no longer excited abut this project. The project's "CEO" recently departed -- an operations guy and visionary -- apparently burned out and very disappointed and discouraged -- and has been replaced by "business school graduate / consultant" with most experience in bankruptcy and reorganization cases.

Layoffs And Expansion -- January 21, 2023

The big news this past week were the layoffs in the tech industry.

The "work-from-home" movement during the pandemic drove a hiring spree and government grants and "free money" made it possible for tech giants to go on a hiring spree.

Now, things have changed, and the tech companies appear to need to cut staff by 5% to 20%. 

Many of the cuts will affect high-income tech folks (Intel) but to a greater extent, it will affect the minimum-way package movers (Amazon). Riding-sharing (Uber)? Time will tell. 

There will be personnel cuts but that doesn't mean other activity won't go on.

Intel Update -- Quarterly Dividend Likely Secure; Will Likely Raise Its Quarterly Dividend By One, Maybe Two Pennies -- January 21, 2023

Disclaimer: this is not an investment site.  Do not make any investment, financial, job, career, travel, or relationship decisions based on what you read here or think you may have read here.

All my posts are done quickly: there will be content and typographical errors. If anything on any of my posts is important to you, go to the source. If/when I find typographical / content errors, I will correct them.    

Note: very brief notes, but this is where I will put notes on Chip War: The Fight for the World's Most Critical Technology, Chris Miller, c. 2022.

Intel job cuts:

Back in October, 2022, Intel was one of the first to announce huge cuts, starting with an announcement of cutting 20,000 jobs in late 2022. Previously posted.

With very little fanfare, more cuts were announced two days ago, in California: 

Last year, Intel announced a new facility for Hillsboro, Oregon, but , announced January 20, 2023 (yesterday). 

With regard to Biden's "chip bill" Intel is going to do very, very well

The "US chip bill" will not only allow Intel to "save" its quarterly dividend, but actually announce a two-penny increase in the quarterly payout. Intel has not yet made any announcement regarding its next dividend.

The United States recently passed the chip bill – the “Chip and Science Act”. Analysis of the chip bill points out that American semiconductor manufacturers will be the main beneficiaries. Furthermore, analysts believe that Intel will take the largest share of the subsidies. However, it is still difficult to shake the current wafer foundry competition. In the U.S. chip bill, $39 billion will be to subsidize fab expansion. Also, $11 billion will be for advanced process research and development, and $2 billion will for defence programs.

Of the $39 billion in fab subsidies, Intel should receive no less than 32 per cent. Furthermore, Micron will get 31 per cent while Texas Instruments, Samsung and TSMC will get 14 per cent, 13 per cent and 10 per cent respectively. This means that about 1/3 of TSMC’s $12 billion investment in Arizona will be subsidized by the United States. This can ease the cost pressure of setting up factories there. Unless the United States continues to subsidize, it will still face costs in the medium and long term.

The agency also claims that Intel should receive the most subsidies in this bill. This will help it expand in the foundry field, but TSMC still has advantages in three key aspects: business execution capabilities, technology, and customer relationships. Therefore, although this plan will help the United States increase its share in the foundry market, it is still difficult to return to the market share level of the 1990s. Also, it will not significantly change the current competitive landscape of fabs. TSMC is currently 1-2 generations ahead of Intel.

According to Jon Peddie, an analyst at Jon Peddie Research (JPR), a market research agency, a recent article analyzed Intel’s GPU business. He believes Intel has invested about $3.5 billion in its discrete GPU development — investments that have yet to pay off. Intel’s AXG (Accelerated Computing and Graphics division) has lost $2.1 billion since its official launch in the first quarter of 2021. Given Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger’s track record, JPR thinks Intel will cancel the AXG division. Since early 2021, Pat Gelsinger has cancelled six “underperforming” businesses.

Meanwwhile, over at eetimes

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) is Intel Foundry Services’ (IFS’s) “No. 1” customer, IFS president Randhir Thakur told EE Times, noting that IFS plans to be part of the DoD state-of-the-art heterogeneous integrated packaging (SHIP) program. That program will necessitate deep knowledge of gate-all-around (GAA) technology facilitating high-transistor–density 3D chips.

Intel’s new foundry unit has an initial $250 million contract with the DoD to provide chip design and development. The next step, for a much larger and unnamed dollar figure, will include manufacturing if IFS can meet certain national security criteria, Thakur said in an interview on the sidelines of Intel’s latest fab project in Columbus, Ohio.

They [the DoD] produce a few chips, but boy, they better work and be secure,” Thakur said. If IFS hits the stringent quality targets of the DoD, other customers will feel much more relaxed, he said.

Sounds like a cozy relationship.

By the way, the "chips bill" probably saved the new Intel facility in Ohio. Back in August, 2022, Intel questioned the project because the government "was dragging its feet."

Meanwhile, in Germany, "Intel delays construction for an $18 billion German chip fab as it angles foor more government funding." Link here, December 19, 2022 -- just last month.

Intel is using TSMC foundries to produce its 4 nm chips. I've long lost the bubble, but some time ago it was reported that Intel had to farm out its smaller chips to TSMC when Intel was having trouble with its 10 nm and 7 nm chips.

Disclaimer: this is not an investment site.  Do not make any investment, financial, job, career, travel, or relationship decisions based on what you read here or think you may have read here.

All my posts are done quickly: there will be content and typographical errors. If anything on any of my posts is important to you, go to the source. If/when I find typographical / content errors, I will correct them.    


Following the "chip bill" announcement, Forbes reported that TSMC will triple its Arizona investment to $40 billion, among the largest foreign outlays in US history, link here.

The Chip War

Intel is nowhere to be found on the wiki graph with regard to new chips. See here, here, and, here. Wiki has updated the chart to 2023 (the new Apple M2 Pro and Max chips (5 nm) and 4 nm (2022). Apple will start shipping hardware with 3nm chips in late 2023. 

The last time Intel showed up on the wiki scoresheet was in 2017, 14 nm. Holy mackerel.