Thursday, May 30, 2019

Making America Great -- Pipeline Projects -- May 30, 2019

New link: pipeline projects. The other day I posted a partial list of pipeline projects. I was not aware of the "beta" release from some EIA folks with a more comprehensive list. The link is here. At that page, near the bottom is a link to "Pipeline Projects." By clicking on that link, one can download a PDF on the desktop. At the PDF you end up on the "Contents" page. Move over to the "Pipeline Projects" page and an entire pipeline list shows up, from calendar year 2010 to the present. The very last one, #206, is the TC Energy, Keystone XL Pipeline Project with no completion date provided.

Natural gas pipelines: link here. See first comment. 


This information has been previously posted in various formats. But I am absolutely impressed with all the pipeline that will be laid by the end of this year.

The first graph is the original from the EIA. It's a bit deceiving because "2019" looks like a bust. In fact, "2019" will be a huge year once the "completed" stuff is moved over to the graphic.

Once the "completed" stuff for 2019 is moved over to "2019" (assuming all is completed on schedule), it's going to turn out to be quite a year. I assume that the bar will grow a bit for "2021" before it's all over.


  1. Not sure if this is new or old, but I just discovered EIA also has a pipeline project list for natgas: (excel at bottom)
