Monday, July 2, 2012

Deficit? What Deficit?


July 15, 2012: same story, another link.  For $26/gallon, one could ship diesel to Hawaii from North Dakota by C-17.

Original Post

No one argues that "green fuel" costs the US Navy $26/gallon vs $4.00/gallon for conventional fuel. The argument is simply "should we do it"?   Link here to a most incredible story. I'm impressed the admiral supports it; he has a) lots of money to burn; and, b) he is on the short list for next promotion.

And this is why no one should be worried about the deficit. "We" have plenty of opportunities to tighten our belt when / if austerity measures imposed on Greece are imposed on the US. Simply using "common sense" will manage a significant portion of the deficit.


  1. Bruce, here is the part you skipped over

    "common sense"

    that does not EXIST in the DC beltway..

    1. I agree common sense is in short supply today.

      Sadly higher education today, its high cost causing outrageous debt on the graduate for a field that isn't even marketable. Sadly too often the student pays for indoctrination rather than an marketable education. Common sense left the academy along time ago especially in the so called social science area. These are the ones that get into the politics of the left today.

      In their dream world bio-fuel at $26 a gallon is OK because they are forging a different world. The defense of the country be damned, the navy is for their experimentation as long as they don't have to pay directly for most of the cost.

      The hard sciences are less affected by this indoctrination. At least they will be in a marketable field.

    2. Yes, I'm sure there is more to the story, but at $26/gallon (and millions of gallons), it has to be quite a story.

      I'm reading a book about the convergence of physics, mathematics, biology in the early 1900's: Einstein, Feynmann, Watson and Crick, etc. ... it seems those were the years in which science was not contaminated by social engineering or whatever you want to call it. Something happened; a distrust of science, I guess.


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