Thursday, December 29, 2011

Amount of Fracking Sand Used To Frack A Well -- The Amounts Can Be Staggering

A reader sent me this comment at this post and I've posted it here so it is not lost:
You are correct on the amount of sand used in Brigham vs other wells in the Bakken.

Of the 4 million pounds of sand Brigham was using, a mixture of 1.5 million ceramic and 2.5 million nautural per well on a zipper frac or a total of 8 million (3 million ceramic and 5 million nautural sand).

I wonder what the Utica will end up with pounds of sand per completion. A HB supervisor I spoke with said in the Barnett he regularly used upwards of 8 million pounds per well and the largest being 12 million pounds
I find that incredible.