Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Book Page -- Jargon: The Ocean; US Grant Vs The Klan -- October 5, 2024

Locator: 48507BOOKS.

From an essay, "What The Ocean Holds," Verlyn Kllinkenborg, from current issue of The New York Review of Books, October 17, 2024. The books:

  • The Blue Machine: How The Ocean Works, by Helen Czerski, c. 2024; and,
  • The Underworld: Journeys to the Depths of the Ocean, by Susan Casey, c. 2024.


"some of the deepest ocean trenches -- called hadal trenches (after Hades) ..." p. 48.

"Saying the ocean is terribly big is like saying it's totally wet. It doesn't get you very far. So let's talk about the deep ocean, one thousand meters and below, in the zones called bathypelagic, abyssopelagic, and hadalpelagic -- the midnight zone, the abyssal zone, and the hadal zone. Together they add up to three quarters of the ocean's depth ... it is now estimated that Earth's biosphere is '95 percent deep ocean.'"

Wiki -- layers of the pelagic zone:

  • epipelagic: surface to 200 meters subsurface / below sea level
  • mesopelagic: 200 to 1000 meters subsurface
  • bathypelagic: 1000 to 4000 meters subsurface
  • abyssopelagic: 4000 to 6000 meters subsurface, to bottom of ocean
  • hadopelagic: the rare deep trenches extending deeper than the abyssopelagic, 6 to 11 km below sea level

Pelagic birds:

Pelagic birds live on open seas and oceans rather than inland or around more restricted waters such as rivers and lakes. They feed on planktonic crustaceans, squid and hunt fish far from land.

US Grant Vs The Klan

An essay by David S. Reynolds, "Grant vs. the Klan," p. 55, in the current issue of The New York Review of Books, October 17, 2024. The books:

  • Soldier of Destiny: Slavery, Secession, and the Redemption of Ulysses S. Grant, by John Reeves, c. 2024; and,
  • Klan War: Ulyesses S. Grant and the Battle to Sae Reconstruction, by Fergus M. Bordewich, c. 2024.

US Grant's memoirs: considered by many as the best memoir ever written. Said to have been edited by Mark Twain. 

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