Monday, August 12, 2019

Cactus II Pipeline, Permian To Corpus Operational -- August 12, 2019

From twitter today:

Memo to Mark: ditch the "all caps." Very amateurish. 

From RBN Energy, December 15, 2019 -- the story of Gardendale, TX, and the Cactus pipeline. Also, here. for an update on Cactus II.

Complete List Of Clinton Associates Who Allegedly Died Mysteriously Or Committed Suicide  -- ZeroHedge

Link here. This is quite a list. I had forgotten so many of them.

It will be interesting to see if we ever get the name, his "docs," and his testimony of the "temporary" guard -- not part of the prison union -- who was put in charge of watching Epstein just an hour before he died.

The coroner "completed" his autopsy but "needs more time" to "determine" cause of death.  One of two things going on here, and one of them is not good. LOL.

By the way, this reminds me of the fight scene in which George Clooney is "beaten up" in the "Ocean's Eleven" movie. Life imitating art.

Epstein's last cellmate: a muscle-bound, ex-cop, serving time for murder.

I saw The Caine Mutiny (1954) last night on TCM. It was the first time I had ever seen it. I never realized it was so incredibly good, so well cast. Some disappointments with the movie, of course.

You know, having said that -- some disappointments with the movie -- I'm not sure one can say that about Casablanca. I assume some folks can note some disappointments with Casablance, but for me, I would be hard pressed to find one.


  1. Saw the Caine Mutiny in High School. Met a few "CPT Queegs" in the Army. Excellent movie. Quite the cast, a list of who's who of the day.

    The whole Epstein affair (Pun kinda not intended) is a mess, and will not end well, period. Hopefully it will prove out that you can't get away with murder, at least forever

    1. 1. You are so correct: the cast was incredible. The more I think about that movie, the more it haunts me. Great, great movie.

      2. The Epstein affair: we'll probably have to wait for the movie; our younger daughter thinks the movie will be out by next spring. LOL.

  2. Ohhh the casting dilemma, who plays the Clintons?

    1. Quentin Tarantino ("Pulp Fiction") or the Coen Brothers ("Blood Simple") could probably put together a great ensemble cast.


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