Friday, July 19, 2024

The EV Narrative Continues -- Is The EV Movement Over? Only Cars Being Reviewed In Mainstream Media Are ICE Vehicles -- July 19, 2024

Locator: 48192EVS.

EV: the narrative continues. Link here.

These are atrocious numbers: really, really bad for California but in the big scheme of things, not that much better across the US. 

The California New Car Dealers Association on Thursday released its second-quarter report. In the state, Tesla sold about 52,000 vehicles, down 24% year over year. For comparison, Tesla’s total U.S. sales fell about 6% in the second quarter, and global sales fell about 5%.
Overall, battery-electric vehicle, or BEV, sales totaled about 101,000 units in the state, roughly flat year over year. Tesla’s second-quarter market share came in at about 51%, down almost 16 percentage points California year over year.

We should be well up on the S-shaped curve by now. To have a 5% drop in sales at this point in the EV journey is atrocious. 

Mainstream media auto reviewers seem to have quit reviewing EVs and are back to reviewing ICE SUVs and European sports cars.

Does anyone care. Only two comments at the linked article. 

Get Ready For More Expensive,
Less Reliable Electricity

Link here.

It was notable that the writer did not mention the real reason for this: the push for renewable energy -- wind and solar.

But Texas is ahead of the curve -- see RBN Energy today. Whoo-hoo!

RBN Energy: Texas Energy Fund seeks to speed development of new gas-fired power plants. Link here. If the link breaks (which it will in a couple of weeks), link to the blog here.

Wind Turbine Now
At The Bottom Of The Ocean

Martha's Vineyard. Nantucket. Vineyard Wind.

Link here. How big was that single blade? The size of a football field.

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