Friday, July 19, 2024

Pet Peeve -- All Morning CNBC Commentators -- Crowdstrike CEO -- Says There Is No Quick Fix For The Problem -- In Fact There Is -- July 19, 2024

Locator: 48190AAPL

CNBC anchor early this morning solved his problem: set aside his "Microsoft" computer with that blue screen of death and got himself an Apple laptop. 

Amazon can get most folks an Apple laptop in a couple of hours. 

How bad was the outage (which is still ongoing, by the way, late Friday morning)? I think much worse that folks realize. I put in an order at Schwab at the open and it has not yet been filled (12:18 p.m. EDT). It was a "market trade, day only." My hunch: the trade has been "lost."

Link here.

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