Thursday, January 23, 2020

Natural Gas Stores Increasing In The Middle Of Winter -- January 23, 2020

Natural gas fill rate, link here.

Pay some time looking at this graphic; it's rather amazing on so many levels.

Quick! What month is it? What season is it?

Answers: January. Winter. 

And natural gas stores are already starting to increase. [See first comment: I was wrong: natural gas stores continue to decrease, just not as fast as the previous week.]


  1. (You spent too long working for the government.) Stores are NOT increasing in winter. Just increasing RELATIVE TO the five year average.

    IOW, stores are still emptying. Just not as fast as the five year average pattern.

    This is not unusual. Roughly half the years, we will have a winter that empties storage slower than average. Half we will be faster than average. That's how averages work.

    Now, I just bought an airline ticket to DFW to meet a Cowgirl--at least she says so on the Internet--who sold me some prime Barnett shale land that I quit my job to go drill! Where's your caveat? ;-)


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