Sunday, April 30, 2017

The Eleven Most Under-Reported Stories In The US And The One Most Mis-Reported Story -- April 30, 2017

Pardon the interruption:

Source: link

Now, back to our regularly scheduled program, the eleven most under-reported stories in the US, and one mis-reported story.

The market: How incredibly well the equity market is doing; setting records never expected even as US GDP hits historic low. Imagine what the market might do if we actually see a GDP in excess of 3%. And especially if a 3% GDP is not forecast by the analysts.

NOKO missile crisis: The NOKO missile crisis -- very, very similar to JFK's Cuban missile crisis. If it ends well (however one defines "well" in this situation), the mainstream media will give no credit to Trump. If it ends badly, it could be the defining moment for the nascent Trump dynasty.

National Health Care: The thoughtfulness that "might" be going into reforming the "national healthcare system" -- a thoughtfulness that was not seen when ObamaCare was being written by lobbyists, socialists, and ideologues.

Energy: The incredible potential of the US energy sector: how US crude oil and natural gas (and their derivatives) are changing the global energy sector. If dynamic scoring is allowed when assessing future American budgets, US energy changes everything.

Energy: tectonic changes; the rise and fall of Saudi Arabia, 1950 - 2030.

Global warming: the changing narrative. More and more scientists coming around to the fact that "the science is not settled."

Failed experiment: homelessness, free needle exchange, and legalization of marijuana.

Islam: Divergent responses. Asia's understanding of the issue; America's "head in the sand" approach. We will see the results in 2100.

Future of Russia: Europe's opportunity to turn to the US for LNG; gain some independence from Russia.

Venezuela. This post was originally "the ten most under-reported stories" and then I remembered Venezuela.

Ornithology: American red-winged blackbird never before seen in Great Britain spotted in Orkney, about as far north in Europe one can get without being north of the Arctic Circle.

The Most Mis-Reported Story: The Trump Administration. 

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