Saturday, February 11, 2012

Filloon on KOG Challenges: Production Misses and Price Collapse -- The Bakken, North Dakota, USA

Link here to

Filloon had another post on KOG the day before, also.


  1. The bottleneck in takeaway arrived on the scene very quickly even with the assurances the capacity was there. Makes delaying pipeline construction look foolish unless the goal was to tie up everything by throwing monkey wrenches in its development.

    Well Mr. Buffett where are all those trains and the ability to move 700,000 barrels a day. I wouldn't be surprised you whispered into the President's ear your railroad could handle it all and there would a lot of money coming his way for his campaign.

    1. These guys are smart enough to know they don't even have to whisper: a wink of the eye and a nod of the head will take care of that.


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