Friday, December 16, 2011

Compact Fluorescent Light Bulb -- 2007 Law -- Temporary Reprieve -- Absolutely Nothing About the Bakken

Thank goodness for Drudge Report to really hit all the "hot" buttons. To think of all the things I would miss if Drudge were not there.

This time it's the story that Congress prohibits executive branch from spending any money enforcing law that bans the traditional light bulb.

Most of the bulbs in my little 900-square-foot apartment are compact fluorescent; well, probably not most, but a lot. The local utility was giving them away a couple years ago, and I grabbed as many as I could.

This past weekend I changed a burned out compact fluorescent light bulb. I was told they would last either 10 years or 10x longer than the traditional light bulb. I think it was 10 years.  CFLBs haven't been around all that long; if one already burned out, that does not bode well. I think CFLBs have come down greatly in price, but I think they are still $3 to $4 apiece vs 50 to 60 cents for a conventional bulb. I could be wrong. I haven't bought a bulb in a long time.

There seem to be a few things in which both parties see agreement: phasing out of the traditional light bulb is one of them.

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