Monday, August 5, 2024

Peak Oil! What Peak Oil? One New Permit; Fourteen Permits Renewed; Four DUCs Reported As Completed -- August 5, 2024

Locator: 48339B.

US shale production surprise, link here.

Back to the Bakken

WTI; $74.21.

Active rigs: 43.

One new permit, #40999:

  • Operator: Enerplus
  • Field: Little Knife (Dunn County)
  • Comments:
    • Enerplus has a permit for a Lind well, lot 4, section 2-145-97, 
      • to be sited 481 FNL and 1058 FWL

Fourteen permits renewed:

  • MRO (7): Collins USA, Ratcliffe USA, Rothgarn USA, Banta USA, Oukrup USA, Restad USA, Strobeck USA, all in Lost Bridge, Dunn County
  • Oasis (2): two Cindy Blikre permits, Lindahl, Williams County
  • Liberty Resources (2): a Herseth permit, and a Holmen permit, both Gros Ventre, Burke County;
  • Koda Resources (2): two Stout permits, Fertile Valley, Divide County
  • Whiting: a Larson permit, Corinth, Williams County

Producing wells (DUCs) reported as completed:

  • 33973, 667, Enerplus, Titanium 147-93-16A-21H,
  • 39757, 1,383, EOG, Mandaree 146-1016H,
  • 39782, 1,535, CLR, Thorvald 6-6H,
  • 40242, 3,670, MRO, Leny Jo 21-6H,

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