Monday, August 5, 2024

Yahoo.Com -- Something To Think About -- August 5, 2024

Locator: 48342SOURCES.

Remember how, when you were a kid, when the Sunday newspaper came or the daily newspaper arrived, the first thing you turned to ? The comic pages?

Well, that's how it is for me when checking the news. First thing, every morning when I wake up, usually about 5:30 a.m. -- on the iPad -- in bed -- I turn to Fox News. Seriously. Better than the Sunday comics. 

From there

  • CNBC
  • Drudge
  • X

Then it starts to get more difficult and more serious:

  • The WSJ
  • The NYT
  • Barron's
  • Forbes

But even after all of that, something seems to be missing. Interestingly enough, the best -- and I'm serious -- source of headlines is

I'm sure I'm forgetting something but I will update this page if necessary. 

Search engine: google.

But there are some areas in which google fails. In those cases, I used Reddit. I don't use Quora as a search engine but it often pops up as a source for topical information.

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