Sunday, February 21, 2021

The Sunday Market Page -- Nothing About The Bakken -- February 21, 2021

The Texas Dairy Queen, 2021, the recent unfortunate event: this is the movie I'm watching

Logistics: local grocers opened again on Thursday, about three days ago. By the time I got there, much was sold out. The grocers tossed out millions of dollars of refrigerated and frozen items. Shortages everywhere. I bet everything at the grocer will be back to normal by Wednesday this week, if not sooner. 

Due to overwhelming demand, the blog will now have a "market blog" on Sundays, to help investors (and traders) get ready for the new week.

Disclaimer: this is not an investment site.  Do not make any investment, financial, job, career, travel, or relationship decisions based on what you read here or think you may have read here


Inflation: an investor's dream, from The WSJ:

Link here.


Small business under Biden, no gulag experience, but a person of color:

My Alma Mater

I hope these folks know how fortunate they are. This is absolutely incredible. What I like best: no fancy lettering, no fancy logo, simply "USC."

Sing, Sing, Sing, USC Marching Band At Trafalgar Square


Looking back on my life, I find it absolutely amazing I was accepted by USC for my graduate studies; absolutely amazing. I wish I could repay them what they "gave" me. My four years cost me absolutely nothing, a full scholarship including room and board. Had it not been for USC, I would not have met my Hispanic-Japanese wife. Had it not been for USC, I never would have seen the best of California during the best of times. Wow, it was a great period in my life. I still remember the first Trader Joe's. My roommate introduced me to southern California.

If I had to connect the dots, how I got from there to there, these are the dots:

  • first grade: leading my group in a drawing of an igloo; a group project;
  • second grade: the most beautiful teacher in the world, Ms Priebe, who unfortunately married while I was a second grader;
  • fifth grade: Ms Ghandi, who I never knew was something other than Norwegian, despite her name and her dark skin;
  • high school: Ms JoAnn Ashmore, my mentor; Mr Del Easton, my nemesis; Mr Olson, my idol (think "John Wayne")
  • Augustana College, Sioux Falls, SD
  • my mother, sending me a clipping about medical school scholarships
  • USC

Interestingly enough, the Air Force did not enter into this in the same way as the other "dots" did. I can't explain that. The USAF was incredibly important but it seemed to be a "vehicle" but not much else. By the time I was in the USAF, my moral compass was set, set by the "dots" listed above.

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