Monday, July 15, 2024

Monday's NDIC Daily Activity Report -- July 15, 2024

Locator: 48143B.

Burberry: crashes.

Drone kill: link here.

Back to the Bakken

Bakken nomenclature

  • BR has changed its "well naming format" in the North Dakota Bakken: a "family name" -- chronologic number -- single letter; so, as an example:
    • Devils Backbone 5D:
      • a "family name": Devils Backbone
      • a chronologic number: 5
      • a single letter: D
    • the formatting change appears to have occurred in mid-2023; examples:
      • April 28, 2023: Demicks Lake 2C-TFH
      • June 14, 2023: Manchester 2E

WTI: $81.90.

Active rigs: 39.

Three new permits, #40922 - #40924, inclusive:

  • Operator: CLR
  • Fields: Cabernet (Dunn County)
  • Comments:
    • CLR has permits for two Rutledge wells and one Entzel well, the first two NWNW 14-144-97; and, the Entzel NENW 14-144-97; 
      • all three to be sited 425 FNL and at 1277 FWL, 1309 FWL, and 1341 FWL.

Eight permits renewed:

  • BR: four Demicks Lake permits and four Clemens permits, Dimmick Lake, McKenzie County.

One producing well (a DUC) reported as completed:

  • 40007, 980, Slawson, Thor 3-31-30H, Tobacco Garden, three days production;

A well of interest:

  • 21909, 869, Slawson, Thor 1-31-30H, Tobacco Garden, t2/12; cum 319K 5/24; recent production, see jump in production --
PoolDateDaysBBLS OilRunsBBLS WaterMCF ProdMCF SoldVent/Flare

 The Thor wells:

  • 40009, drl/drl, Slawson, Thor 5-31-30H, Tobacco Garden, t5/24; cum 5K first 4 days;
  • 40008, drl/conf, Slawson, Thor 4-31-30H, Tobacco Garden,
  • 40007, drl/drl, Slawson, Thor 3-31-30H, Tobacco Garden, t5/24; cum 3K first 3 days;
  • 40006, drl/drl, Slawson, Thor 2-31-30H, Tobacco Garden, t5/24; cum 18K first 11 days;
  • 27008, PNC, Slawson, Thor 4-31-30HPNC, Tobacco Garden,
  • 27007, PNC, Slawson, Thor 2-31-30HPNC, Tobacco Garden,
  • 21909, 869, Slawson, Thor 1-31-30H, Tobacco Garden, t2/12; cum 319K 5/24; recent production, see jump in production --

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