Sunday, October 1, 2023

For Arianna, Who Had A Question -- October 1, 2023

Locator: 45619STEAK.

I'll sort this out later, but our oldest granddaughter must be doing some grilling in Nashville today and had a question about grilling, steaks, rubs, salt.

This is for her.

In Texas, the bible for steak.



  1. I have learned to salt a steak at least overnight in the refrigerator, The theory as I understand it is that initially the salt draws out the moisture to the top of the steak and, when saute'd, will steam the surface of the steak and inhibit browning the meat (maillard effect). Bad. However, as time goes on, the moisture and salt are drawn into the meat leaving the surface dry. The salt travels into the meat and provides even seasoning of the meat, meanwhile the now-dry surface is ready to be made into a crisp crust on the exterior. This is how the big steak houses get the results they do, and now you can do it at home !!

    1. Thank you. I've read the same thing, and with good cuts of steak, only salt and pepper really needed, as far as I can tell. And salt early.


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