Monday, June 1, 2015

Off The Net For Awhile -- This Is For My Wife -- June 1, 2015

Link here. In case the link breaks, it's a story on how ABC Nightly News and David Muir jumped to the head of the pack. The link is for my wife. Who never reads my blog.

Pat On The Back

This is really, really cool. Yesterday I posted a list of those things we would be talking about today. #1 on the list: Greece. This is what I wrote:
Greece heads the list. Everything points to things getting crazy as we get closer to default. Great political theater. At a minimum, the creditors will find a way to delay another 30 days.
And here it, The New York Times reports in an article dated, but untimed, June 1, 2015: European Leaders Assemble for Urgent Meeting on Greek Crisis. The meeting was composed of these five:
  • Chancellor Angela Merkel, Germany
  • President Francois Hollande, France
  • Jean-Claude Juncker, president, European Commissioin
  • Christine Lagarde, managing director, IMF
  • Mario Draghi, ECB, president
When I saw that assembly, I knew immediately the Greek story was not coming to any conclusion any time soon. Except for Chancellor Merkel, every member of the entire assembly has a vested interest to "save" Greece. It's all about their personal legacy.

But the vote won't be 4 - 1 to save Greece. Chancellor Merkel has more bark than bite. She talks a good game but at the end of the day, keeps voting with the rest of the guys and gals. The final vote will be 5 - 0.

That was my initial thought. Then deeper in the article, there it was, and I quote verbatim:
The leaders discussed how Greece could meet its obligations in June but also make a series of large payments during the summer, said a person with knowledge of the discussions.
An extension of the current aid program is one option. The creditors did not comment publicly on the meeting.
After that, the article was all about how to phrase the "non-ultimatum" to Greece, and looking into the crystal ball to see when Greece would reply with a "non-answer."

An extension of the current aid program is one option. LOL. Did anyone think otherwise?

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