Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Again, For The Nth Time: Have Housing Lined Up Before You Arrive In Williston

Williston will likely ban living in recreational vehicles inside city limits.

Absolutely nothing to do with the subject but this posting looked a bit drab. In lieu of some footage from the Bakken:

California Dreamin', The Seekers


  1. Bruce, the same message has been said, printed, announced, given out by Job Service. I quess you just can't fix stupid if they keep coming.

    1. Early on, I was (more) sympathetic with workers coming to Williston looking for a job without having arranged for housing. But now that the boom has been underway for quite some time, and the "housing message" has been well disseminated, I side with Williston leadership on this one.

    2. Just wondering if some of these same people have gone out of town for a wedding, class reunion, or vacation without checking for proper accommodations. I would bet they wouldn't leave their house unless a reservation was made.


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