Friday, July 16, 2010

Sue Arizona; Deploy Troops in California: I Can't Make This Stuff Up

The administration will sue Arizona because it's new immigration law is seen as "profiling." California is boycotting Arizona over this law.

Meanwhile, the California governor is sending National Guard troops to the California/Mexican border due to broken immigration policies and programs.
The governor will order 224 California National Guard troops to the border with Mexico, fulfilling an earlier commitment to the president.

In May, the president launched a plan to deploy 1,200 National Guard troops to the southwest border, alarmed by a tide of smuggled drugs and immigrants and pummeled politically over illegal immigration.
Schwarzenegger earlier pledged California’s full cooperation with federal initiatives to secure the border and attack the narcotics trade.
The cover of "narcotics trade" makes this more palatable, I guess, to his support base. I assume the National Guard will not use any profiling while watching the border.

I can't make this stuff up.

Cruisin', Michael Nesmith -- yes, there is a tie-in to Arizona (but it's a stretch)


July 20, 2010: The US Forest Service classifies illegal aliens as displaced foreign travelers. I can't make this stuff up.

July 19, 2010: It appears the Palestinian-like suicide bombing across the border from El Paso, TX, has gotten the administration's attention. The administration will send in 1,000 National Guard troops, more than half of them going to the "volatile" Arizona-Mexican border. The administration has said it will sue Arizona's new immigration law which it says promotes profiling. I assume the National Guard will not be involved in profiling while protecting the border. Let's see: walking down the road is a shirtless male and driving down the road is a cowboy-hat wearing driver of a late model SUV along the border: who would you think most likely to be a misplaced foreign traveler.

July 17, 2010:  Once we have the first gang-related, drug-related, illegal-alien, explosive-laden vehicle blown up on our side of the border, the immigration issue is going to become "front and center" from here on out. Walking through airport security will be like a walk in the park compared to the security we will see at malls, post offices, police departments, and federal buildings in states along the border. More on that story here. Juarez is across the border from El Paso.

July 16, 2010, 11:20 p.m. EST: I posted the above note late in the afternoon on Friday, July 16, 2010. At 11:15 p.m. the same evening I checked the LA and this article appeared as the headline story: five other states are considering laws almost identical to the Arizona law. The five states are South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Rhode Island and Michigan. Minnesota is about as liberal as one gets, and certainly a few miles away from Mexico. Unless Minnesota is concerned about Canadians. If so, so much for profiling. I can't tell an American-Scandinavian apart from a Canadian-Scandinavian, except perhaps for the ubiquitous "eh?"

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