Tuesday, September 10, 2024

More Ellison Today -- September 10, 2024

Locator: 48561TECH.

In all the clutter today, the biggest story most folks missed: Larry Ellison, Oracle, announced partnership with AWS! Holy mackerel. Right now it's hard not to get excited about tech. The most fun I've had in almost fifty years of investing -- watching the pivot from energy to technology.  The behemoths at the table! Along that same line, DEI is dead and renewable energy has pivoted from "good for the environment," to "we need all the electricity we can produce." We need so much, we're going nuclear!

Link here.

If I recall correctly, Ellison said he is looking to build several "GW-data centers" and power them with co-located modular nuclear reactors.

"That strong contract backlog will increase revenue growth throughout FY25. But the biggest news of all was signing a MultiCloud agreement with AWS." -- Twitter.

Compare Oracle's income statement with that of Apple:


Are folks paying attention?

AMD is in the CPU business, not the GPU business but that's changing. So, comparing GPU sales among these three is comparing apples to oranges to pomegranates. But having said that, wow!

INTC fell again today, dropping below $19.


Actionable intel. Compare with Liz Sonders' graphics:

Reminder: Larry Ellison, Oracle, said this week that Oracle will partner with AWS. And forty percent of that investment is going to Nvidia's GPUs.

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