Sunday, September 29, 2024

Veren, Inc -- First Note On The Blog -- September 29, 2024

Locator: 48437B.

Folks may have noticed a new name in the box below as part of an earlier blog today:

If one goes to the Crescent Point webpage one will find that Crescent Point trades under two tickers: CPG and VRN.

From deals in the Bakken -- 2023:

Meanwhile, Crescent Point will now rebrand to Veren, according to Hart Energy:

A "well search" over at the NDIC webpage does not yet list Veren. 

There is a note out there that although Veren is only drilling in Canada at the moment, there are indications that Veren may return to the Three Forks "south of the border" -- i.e., North Dakota. 

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