Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Wednesday Evening -- Grayson Mill With Two New Permits -- Ten Permits Renewed -- March 27, 2024

Locator: 46856B.

I know I sound like a broken record (millennials and Gen Zers will have no idea what I'm talking about) but Amazon is simply amazing. I ordered two items late this afternoon and both items will arrive tomorrow.  And with the "cash-back" that has accumulated in my account, no additional charges to my credit card. Whoo-hoo!

Back to the Bakken

WTI: $81.93. Trending toward $82. Again. Oil bulls would like to see higher prices, but $80-oil is pretty much in the sweet spot for everyone.

Active rigs: 39.

Two new permits, #40623 and #40624:

  • Operator: Grayson Mill
  • Field: South Tobacco Garden
  • Comments:
    • Grayson Mill has permits for two Skaar wells, NWNE 15-150-99,
      • both to be sited 1519 FEL with one 372 FNL and the other 397 FNL

Active wells in this Grayson Mill Skaar wells in South Tobacco Garden are noted here

Ten permits renewed:

  • Oasis (6): six Bud wells, McGregor, Williams County;
  • Formentera Operations (4): two RNL1 and two FLX2 wells, NENW and SESW 7-163-90;

Four producing wells (DUCs) reported as completed:

  • 39477, 271, Grayson Mill, Esther Hynek 10-11F 8H, Mountrail,
  • 40074, 2,947, Grayson Mill, Edna 11-2-2H, McKenzie,
  • 40075, 0 (no typo), Grayson Mill, Edna 11-2-7H, McKenzie,
  • 40272, 3,521, Grayson Mill, Bill 14-23 XW 1H, McKenzie,


  1. I start to get excited when I see "Skaar" since I went to church there as a very young lad. My grandparents homesteaded in the area and our family retains a pretty good portion of the mineral rights---- but so far, "no cigar". I have seen the area referred to as the "Bakken pinchout". There was some oil takeout in the 70's I believe in an older field referred to as Bicenntenial, and while Whiting was pretty interested at one point and had us and others under lease, apparently lost interest along the way, perhaps due to their financial difficulties and reorganization. If you know any more about the area I'd love to hear it. Thanks

    1. Other wells in that drilling unit:
