Tuesday, May 31, 2022

US Oil Production - Demand -- May 31, 2022

Demand, link here.

Production, link here.


No one will believe that this is a non-political comment, but trust me, it is. Everything, absolutely everything points to higher oil prices and higher gasoline prices for the foreseeable future unless there are major changes in production, refining, and/or demand. And I don't see that happening.

A "keystone" policy is only going to make things worse, and unfortunately for consumers, even if we had a president in the White House who ... fill in the blank ... I don't think much would change. 

In other words, this is well beyond what the White House can effect.


  1. Replies
    1. #OOTT is a hashtag over at twitter. I don't know know who "owns" it. At one time I think I had it figured out but have since forgotten. If one searches #OOTT at twitter one finds "all things" oil by a small but informed, it seems, group of folks.

  2. Organization of Oil Trading Tweeters'

    1. Thank you, much appreciated. And it's worth a lot. Seriously. You subscription to the blog has been extended two years, and unlike the NDIC, the blog won't go down. LOL.
