Saturday, May 28, 2022

The Price Of Gasoline -- Flashback -- May 28, 2022

This is from my journal back in 2013, on a trip from Grapevine, TX, to Williston, ND.

I was driving my 2012 Honda Civic. 

It appears I was paying about $3.49 / gallon for gasoline. 

That was back in 2013.

In north Texas, today, we are paying about $4.39 / gallon.

Adjusted for inflation, I doubt gasoline is costing a whole lot more now than it did in 2013. In addition, like me, many are spending less on gasoline overall simply because they are now driving less, and/or are getting better mileage. 

Another example I like to use, three questions:
  • what's the price for a USPS first-class stamp today?
  • what's the price for a USPS first-class stamp going to be July 1, 2022?
  • how many USPS first-class stamps are you going to need today?


  1. I'm surprised everytime the cashier at Costco if I need any stamps.
    I dont remember the last time I actually mailed something with a stamp.
    Even UPS pickups have pre-printed shipping labels

    1. I've never understood that either -- of all the things Costco might ask on my way out, USPS stamps seem to be the last thing. They should remind us to stop by the kiosk on the way out and buy a $1.50 hot dog.

      Speaking of which, in 2035, it is predicted that a USPS first-class stamp will cost $1.58, and the Costco hot dot will still be $1.50, along with the $4.99 rotisserie chicken.
