Saturday, March 19, 2022

Calling It A Day -- See You In The Morning -- Good Luck To All -- March 19, 2022


Why I don't subscribe: exhibit A.

"They" actually said that "it stings most if you earn less than $300K on an annual basis.” I don't know if they clarified whether that was "active" income or "passive" income.

Family Affairs

45th wedding anniversary dessert. 

For the main course we had salmon. One of our signature dishes is salmon. Wow, it's incredible. Two secrets: don't over-cook it; and, use a nice marinade. But use it in moderation. Start with a little and add more next time if necessary.

For years we've used Ponzu sauce as the marinade. But our favorite grocery store appears not to carry it any more, or simply they've been temporarily out of it for quite some time. So, tonight, I picked up something different, and -- wow! No more Ponzu sauce for us. Thai fish sauce. 

Back to the photo at the top: that haircut by Sophia is still lookin' good.  

March 17th is also the official date every year that I start wearing a Hawaiian shirt every day until winter some eight months from now. 

A month or so from now I hope to have a deep tan. We'll see and a lot of bike riding.


  1. Careful here. At 45 years, people are starting to talk and they are starting to think the marriage may last!!! Congrats! and may there be many more years to come.

    1. Yes, that's my wife's biggest fear -- she can't get rid of me. LOL.

      Seriously, thank you for taking time to write. Wow, the years go by quickly.
