Thursday, February 3, 2022

$90-WTI Was Not On My Bingo Card Today; Oasis With Four New Permits; Whiting Acquires 80 Wells From Kraken -- February 3, 2022 -- Thursday, February 3, 2022

Gulf of Tonkin: "Russia ready to fabricate a pretext for invasion" -- Pentagon. I'm shocked. Shocked.

Amazon: the bad news. As "predicted" just a day or so ago. Amazon Prime will cost me more. Amazon is raising its annual rate from $119 to $139 or $15/monthly. For $15 monthly I'm getting:

  • free shipping;
  • competitive prices on almost everything;
  • no-questions-asked returns;
  • NFL TNF;
  • Amazon Prime Video
  • when I ship one package by USPS, it costs me $15 and the USPS throws in no Prime Video.

Texas ERCOT: the good news. To the best of my knowledge, the grid held. Any reports of outages are due to trees / tree branches falling on utility lines. Apparently, the utility is getting these problems fixed quickly. It's more than manageable. One cold night tonight. We have not had to turn on our heat in the past 24 hours -- it's about 22°F just a mile west of DFW airport. 

ISO NE: dinner our and demand is a manageable at 16,500 WM. Pricing, at 8th decile (highest it will reach). Renewables at a typical (and miserable) 8%, and unreliable, and not dispatchable, but the elites love it for some reason. Hydro at 7%.

Doomberg: link here

WTI: $90.27.

Back to the Bakken

Active rigs: data based on NDIC daily report, subject to error -- 

Active Rigs3414546458

Five new permits, #38769 - #38773, inclusive:

  • Operators: Oasis (4); Koda Resources
  • Fields: Baker (McKenzie); Bar Butte (Williams)
  • Comments:
    • Koda is a water disposal well, doesn't count in my book, LOL
    • Oasis has permits for four Dahl E Federal wells, Baker oil field, 
      • two to be sited in SWSE 11-153-101; and two to be sited in NWNE 14-153-101; 
      • the ones to the north, 36 FSL and 2519 FEL; and, 8 FSL and 2459 FEL; the two to the south to be sited 6 FNL and 2429 FEL and 20 FNL and 2300 FEL;

Petroshale renews fifteen permits:

  • the following in McKenzie County (13): Tahu (10), Sacagawea Federal, La Verendrye Federal, and Thompson Federal;
  • the following in Dunn County (2): two Helen permits;

Approximately 80 wells transferred from Kraken to Whiting; these are all in T152N-92W; T153N-92W; T154N-92W;  T154N-91W; some in abutting areas; familiar family names include but not limited to:

  • Fladeland;
  • Domaskin:
  • Bigfoot;
  • Double Eagle;
  • Kokomo;


  1. So Kraken is exiting Mountrail completely or just partially? Where's your guess on their area of focus?

    1. Wow, wow, wow. That's an interesting question. That will take me down a rabbit hole that will take some time to sort out. I will come back to this. It's going to be made more difficult by the fact that the NDIC database is still not current. But give me a day or two and I will post something on this. This should be fun.

      The short answer: without doing any work on this, my hunch: Kraken is going to focus on Williams County.

    2. Answer to the reader's question at this post:
