Sunday, January 2, 2022

Spare Capacity -- This Has Nothing To Do With Pride -- It Has To Do With Reality -- January 2, 2022

Link here.

"Unplanned production cuts in some countries" -- someone being very creative in saying lack of spare capacity. Too proud to admit it. -- social media.

New Church Pianists

Their church pianist / organist was unable to attend church today so Levi and Judah filled in for her. Judah went first and then Levi followed him.


  1. have the pianoist signed a profession contract yet , or does MOM just handle that for them.. don

    1. I think they want to keep their amateur status for a few more years.

  2. It is rather obvious to me that these two have a great future as musicians! My only hope is that they don't succumb to the "North Dakota Norwegian Notion" that lutefisk and lefse are foods suitable to eat when celebrating New Years Eve!) From an old German, I'm telling you, they need bratwurst and beer!

    1. Yes, we "save" lutefisk and lefse for special events. LOL.

      Seriously, it took me years to "warm up" to lutefisk but when I learned it was just another delivery vehicle for melted butter, I learned to enjoy it.
