Saturday, April 11, 2020

The Epidemic That Mainstream Media Is Not Reporting -- April 11, 2020

Here it is, April, Easter, warm weather, the end of "cold and flu" season, and we have now have a second flu epidemic, one that the mainstream media is not reporting -- and think about this -- this epidemic is occurring even with the country in lock down. Imagine how bad things would be if we were "back to normal."

Most interesting, buried in this report is this note: despite we are now well above the threshold for a pneumonia / seasonal flu epidemic (see below), the CDC quietly announces this will be the final week of a full FluView report. That's one way to downplay an epidemic -- simply ignore it.

Link here.

This is as bad as I've seen it the entire year.

From the linked site, the CDC:
  • Laboratory confirmed influenza-associated hospitalization rates for the U.S. population overall are higher than most recent seasons and rates for children 0-4 years and adults 18-49 years are the highest CDC has on record for these age groups, surpassing rates reported during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic. Hospitalization rates for school-aged children (5-17 years) are higher than any recent regular season but remain lower than rates experienced by this age group during the pandemic. 
  • The percent of deaths associated with pneumonia and influenza is above the epidemic threshold. The increase is due to an increase in pneumonia deaths rather than influenza deaths and likely reflects COVID-19 activity. 
  • 166 influenza-associated deaths in children have been reported so far this season. This number is high compared to recent seasons, but remains lower than the 2017-2018 season during which 188 pediatric deaths were reported. 
  • CDC estimates that so far this season there have been at least 39 million flu illnesses, 410,000 hospitalizations and 24,000 deaths from flu.
Has anyone seen this addressed at any Coronovirus Task Force briefing:
Laboratory confirmed influenza-associated hospitalization rates for the U.S. population overall are higher than most recent seasons and rates for children 0-4 years and adults 18-49 years are the highest CDC has on record for these age groups, surpassing rates reported during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic. Hospitalization rates for school-aged children (5-17 years) are higher than any recent regular season but remain lower than rates experienced by this age group during the pandemic. 
Despite the country on universal lock down?

And we have a vaccine for "seasonal flu," albeit one that is less than 45% effective.

This tells me all I need to know about the efficacy of untargeted quarantines.


  1. I wonder which category I would fit into. My wife and I were admitted with Covid19 for 5 days extensive medical care with Antibodies and Trumps medication. I also was diagnosed with Influenza A AND B. Think we got it in Walmart or Frys mid March. It was ugly but We survived. We are blessed

    1. Wow, I am most impressed. Good for you and your wife. Interesting about your treatment. I am truly impressed. You had great nurses, great docs. By the CDC guidelines, your primary diagnosis will be COVID-19. Everything else is secondary.


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