Saturday, December 8, 2018

If It's The Weekend, It's The Weather! -- December 8, 2018

From the Weather Channel:

From Rutgers University, note the source puts this on the "climate" page and not the "weather" page. Just saying.

From Rutgers University charts: "100% departure from normal" means a doubling of what is considered normal.

From nsidc:

Ice growth through the month was strong in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, but extent remained below average in these areas at the end of the month. A large area of open water remained in the Laptev Sea, which is unprecedented in the satellite record at the end of October. Especially prominent was the lack of ice growth on the Atlantic side of the Arctic in the Barents Sea, and in some regions, a slight contraction of the ice edge further north (Figure 1b). As a result, extent is presently far below average in this area, and is the primary reason why October extent for the Arctic as a whole is third lowest on record.
Satellite era is a blink of the eye in the geologic record.

It will be interesting to come back in March, 2019, to see the satellite mapping of the Arctic for the upcoming winter. 

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