- 20464, 1,202/IA, Oasis/Zenergy, Rolfson 29-32H, Siverston, 28 stages, 2 million lbs, t12/11; cum 183K 12/16; taken off-line 6/16; off-line through 12/16; from sundry form suggesting start date of September, 2016, for this: Oasis intends to refrack the Rolfson 29-32H well at the beginning of the infill stimulations (sic) operations for the Rolfson S wells in the 29 and 32 sections of 151N98W. If [preparatory tests are sufficient], the refrack design will consist of a bullheaded diversion sequence treatment in a crosslinked fluid system with 50 diversion sequences.
Learning From Big Sister

Note: the small bruise on Sophia's upper lip is the result of a soccer injury one day earlier.
The Literature Page
Shakespeare's King Lear, from the Riverside anthology, c. 1974.
- the subplot of Gloucester and his sons has no historical connection with the Lear story, and is borrowed from the story of the Paphlagonian King in Sidney's Arcadia
- Paphlagonia: north-central Turkey, along the Black Sea; one of many, many provinces at the time
- grafting the Gloucester episode on to British history augments the tragic thought in the greatest of his double plots
- from Riverside:
Shakespeare removes the anachronistic Christianity of the old play, converts its storm from a signal that divine justice is impending into an image of evil chaos, allows Cordelia to be defeated and murdered, and will not allow Lear to enjoy the restored majesty offered him by Albany as he bends over the dead body of his daughter.
Gloucester's suffering, the wickedness of Edmund, the multiple role of Edgar, the brilliant commentary of the Fool, the sexual looseness of Goneril and Regan -- all this is new to the Lear story. Changes of such magnitude cannot be studied in isolation; one's view of Shakespeare's object in making them depends upon his view of the whole play.
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