Friday, March 27, 2015

US Crude Oil Production, Number Of Oil Wells, And Hubbert's Curve -- March 27, 2015

Take a look at Wolf At The Door: The Beginner's Guide To Peak Oil. Right at the top, look at the bar graph curve and then a bit farther down a small table comparing the number of producing wells in the United States and the number of producing wells in Saudi Arabia. It appears that the data was from 2001; the source was dated 2002.

This is the bar graph with the current production noted by the "red" arrow:

Then, a bit further down, at The Wolf At The Door: A Beginner's Guide to Peak Oil, this item and this little table:

So, where do we stand today? For 2014, it was estimated that there were over 1.1 million producing wells in the US. From 240,000 to over 1.1 million, that's almost a 5-fold increase in just a few years.

Saudi Arabia? Back in 2001/2002, the source for the table above said about1,560 producing wells in Saudi Arabia, producing about 4,000 bbls/day/well.

It's hard to know exactly how many wells Saudi Arabia has today but it's probably about 4,000. Producing about 12 million bopd works about to about 3,000 bopd/well.

Disclaimer: I often make simple arithmetic errors. There may be factual or typographical errors in this post. If this information is important to you, go to the source.

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