Thursday, March 8, 2012

Target Logistics: Grand Opening Of New Man-Camp in Dunn County -- The Bakken, North Dakota, USA


Here's a longer, better story from the Bismarck Tribune.
The project originally was intended for a site on the northwest side of Dickinson, but residents protested the location as being too near city limits.

Target now has 3,700 beds for workers in facilities at Stanley, Tioga and Williston as well as Dunn County, which is permitted for up to 600 beds.

Junk said the facilities are at 95 percent occupancy and the rooms are rented on contract to companies for three years, in some cases. Walk-ins are not welcome.

Junk said he cannot disclose which companies lease rooms for workers. But “large anchor tenants” are familiar names throughout the oil patch.

Stan Katz, who heads up construction, said he managed to put the Dunn County camp together in 78 days, plus 10 for interior work, a schedule that is usually met only in summer months.
Original Post

From a press release provided by The Williston Wire.
Target Logistics, the largest turnkey workforce housing provider in the United States, will hold the Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting of its new Dunn County Lodge, tonight, Thursday, March 8 at 5:30 p.m. The lodge, designed to accommodate the ever-growing workforce in the Bakken Shale, provides comfortable accommodations with full services for 600 oil and gas workers. The Dunn County Lodge employs approximately 50 people and features 24-hour dining area serving three hot meals a day; game and recreation room with televisions and pool tables; a gym with state-of-the-art fitness equipment; saunas; internet café plus free Wi-Fi throughout the lodge.

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