Thursday, September 15, 2011

Job Creation: The US vs Texas; The US vs Florida

With regard to jobs, someone suggested me to me that it did not matter who was in the White House -- it was impossible to create more jobs in this economy.

Well, tell that to the governors of Texas and Florida (the latter has no oil industry), two states that have been very successful in creating jobs.

I asked if he/she could name one act that the current administration has done that has increased jobs. I'm sure there examples but he/she could not come up with even one example.

What compelled me to blog on this was this surprising headline in the administration-supporting LA Times: Democratic Lawmakers Tell Obama To Back Off on Opposition to the ATT Merger.
“The road to economic recovery is long, but there is an opportunity before us to immediately create jobs and spur infrastructure investments and technological innovations that will create jobs for years to come,” Rep. Heath Shuler (D-N.C.) wrote in a statement sent along with a letter from fellow lawmakers.  “By settling the proposed merger of AT&T and T-Mobile USA we can put thousands of Americans back to work and promote economic development across the country."
I honestly cannot think of anything that the current administration has done to improve the job situation. I can think of a lot of things that have stifled job creation.
  • Slow-rolling the Keystone XL project
  • Moratorium/Permitorium in the Gulf
  • Frank-Dodd 
  • ObamaCare
  • Stated desire to kill the coal industry
  • Slow-rolling the oil industry in BLM land onshore
  • Refusing to consider lowering corporate income taxes (second highest in the world, after Japan)
  • Refusal to sell Taiwan most advanced F-16C and D models
  • Opposing the ATT-T-Mobile merger
  • Suing the 9 largest US banks

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