Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Global Warming -- Sea Level -- Hmmm, Hmmm, Hmmm

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Earlier this month, the European Space Agency's Envisat monitoring, global sea level revealed a “two year long decline [in sea level] was continuing, at a rate of 5mm per year.”
In August 2011, NASA announced that global sea level was dropping and was “a quarter of an inch lower than last summer.” See: NASA: 'Global sea level this summer is a quarter of an inch lower than last summer'

The global drop in sea level followed NASA's announcement that sea level around the U.S. was declining in February 2011.

Most surprising, despite the fact that Obama only said he would only “slow” the rise of the oceans, his presidency has presided over what some scientists are terming an “historic decline" in global sea levels.
Wonders never cease. I wonder if Al Gore will be updating his PowerPoint presentation. Say what?

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