Sunday, September 4, 2011

California Employment Hits a Record Low -- Not Likely To Recover For Several Years -- Not a Bakken Story

Link here.

Every paragraph in the linked story is bad, bad news.
The percentage of working-age Californians with jobs has fallen to a record low, and employment may not return to pre-recession levels until the second half of the decade, according to a research group.

Just 55.4 percent of working-age Californians, defined as those 16 or older, had a job in July, down from 56.2 percent a year earlier and the lowest level since 1976.

California’s 12 percent unemployment rate in July, the nation’s second-highest after Nevada, compared with 9.1 percent nationwide.

Women have disproportionately trailed men in regaining jobs.

“Women represent nearly half of the workforce,” Anderson said in a telephone interview. “They gained just one of the 10 jobs added.” 
I won't even begin to comment. 


  1. How many California license plates are in the Williston Walmart lot?

    If the answer is under 100, maybe they are not looking for a job as hard as they might.

    They do see that CA is on the wrong track:,%209.4.11.pdf

    But, that doesn't mean that they will fix it.

    anon 1

  2. There seems to be a disconnect between the unemployment numbers and the desire by anyone to take it seriously. Lots of talk, but no one really seems to care. At some point, unemployment at 12% will seem like the norm.

  3. If there is an American resurgence it will start in the Bakken.

  4. It's funny you said that. I had the same thought last night.

    By the way, it is happening in at least two other places: the Eagle Ford in south Texas, and the Marcellus in the east.

    I think the Marcellus will become the "canary in the coal mine" whether the mainstream media can shut it down. If the mainstream media is able to shut the Marcellus down, that pretty much ends any chance the US has at energy independence.


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