Friday, July 29, 2011

At 183 Rigs Today, One Short to Tie the 184 Record -- Bakken, North Dakota, USA

Link here. It is also permanently linked at the sidebar on the right, under data, "active rigs."


  1. CHK call and documents are interesting. A bit is on the WB/3F.

    anon 1

  2. Thank you. I'm listening to the CHK conference call right now, as I type this. The liquids discovery in Utica is interesting.

    As I listen to CHK conference call, and remember a recent story that Venezuela reserves now exceed those of Saudi Arabia, suggests to me that this decade (2011 - 2021) with regard to energy will be all about about the Western Hemisphere as Saudi Arabia becomes more and more irrelevant.

    Ooooohhhh...sounds like blog material!
