Thursday, March 31, 2011

For Investors Only: Motley Fool on BEXP

As noted before, BEXP shows up yet again on another site as a company of interest for investors.
  • Earnings expectations this year: $1.14
  • Earnings expectations next year: $1.93
  • Recent price: $37.
  • Next year's p/e: <20 based on recent price and earnings expectations.
By the way, this caught my eye from the same link:
While President Obama recently called on the energy industry to produce more oil and gas so as to decrease the amount of imports drastically, critics have been quick to cite a slow permitting process as a major problem. In addition, while he called out both the Marcellus and Eagle Ford shale plays as areas where he sees our future independence coming from, he was also critical of "fracking," the process of accessing the oil hidden in the rock by hydraulic pressure.

Brigham Exploration and other oil and gas exploration companies have benefited from the hydraulic fracturing process. The President has asked the Secretary of Energy to work with the industry to come up with new techniques on extracting oil and gas.
It should be noted that his Secretary of Energy is a nuclear physicist, and a huge proponent of nuclear power. To the best of my knowledge, fracking has been used for decades, highly regulated, closely watched by the media, and emits no harmful radiation. Nuclear power has been used for decades, is highly regulated and closely watched by the media.

1 comment:

  1. Fracking has been used for decades but is an evolving technology that has not been effectively regulated and with ground water pollution problems has recently come under scrutiny by the MSM.
