Monday, January 3, 2011

Minnesota to North Dakota: Your Coal is Okay. South Dakota: Not.

I'm confused.

This morning I wake up to this story: a new coal-fired power plant near Jamestown, ND, will come on line January 1, 2012.

This power plant will provide electricity to Minnesota.

Wasn't it just a year or so ago that a coal-fired power plant in South Dakota was abandoned because Minnesota courts refused to take electricity generated by coal plants? That link takes you to a court decision; the power plant project was eventually abandoned.

One starts to wonder if judges are watching their investments? Just saying. Just an opinion. Don't take it out of context.

Regardless, Big Stone 2 will go down with all the other projects that were scrapped during the "Lost Decade."


  1. Fairly small special coal plant, flying under the Obama EPA radar, which Big Stone could not do at ten times the size. Also a co-generation, special clean coal technology,making steam and some electricity for Cargill on site, helping reduce their costs, I am sure. Great River Energy can hide the rest real well before it sneaks into the Minnesota area.

  2. I think you "hit the nail on the head": there seems to be a faction that refuses to accept anything "big."


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